Friday, July 5, 2024

Please Leave Me Alone Manga V4 Special Chapter

Translator: Pingas
Editor: Suu

<You should be free this weekend, right? Can you come over to my house?>

The next day after the trip, while we were reflecting on the troublesome rumors that had spread, a message arrived on Nanamura-kun's phone.

It was from Hoshigasaki-san. She's a stylish and cute girl with a blonde side ponytail. She works part-time at this family restaurant, but apparently, she's off today.

I got to know Hoshigasaki-san through Nanamura-kun, and we've become good friends since then. At first glance, she gives off the impression of being a flashy gal, but once you talk to her, you find she's actually a sensible and lovely girl.

And now, this girl is inviting him over to her house…

Since we have mutual friends and she was the reason we met, it's not unusual for Hoshigasaki-san to bring up Nanamura-kun in our conversations. Given the recent events in class, I thought she might be somewhat concerned about him.

…But why do I feel a strange sense of exclusion that I don't like?

"What’s the meaning of this? Don’t tell me you two have already developed such a relationship behind my back?"

Nanamura-kun shook his head vigorously. His face showed a hint of fear for some reason.

Strange. I thought I had spoken as amicably as possible with a friendly smile.

"Wait, wait, there's nothing going on between me and Hoshigasaki, okay?"

Nanamura-kun's panicked explanation didn't seem like a lie. Still, there was something about his demeanor that made me scrutinize him closely.

"No, seriously, it's news to me too."

Despite his words, he didn't look displeased at all. Of course not. Any guy would be thrilled to be invited like this by a cute girl.

I get it. I really do. But still!

I couldn't help but feel this uneasy, murky sensation…

After pondering for a while, Nanamura-kun finally replied with a decisive message.

<I'm free during the weekend.>

…Ugh, I don't like how smoothly this is progressing, but it would be weird to butt in with a "Maybe you should wait a bit", right?

I mean, yeah, I get it. To Hoshigasaki-san, Nanamura-kun is like a savior, and it's natural to want to get closer to a guy you’re interested in. But inviting him over right away? What happened to, you know, taking things step by step…? What happened to a healthy, proper relationship…? Sure, everyone moves at their own pace, but isn’t this a bit too fast...?

While these thoughts were swirling around in my head, a reply came from Hoshigasaki-san.

<Great! Actually, my big brother wants to meet you.>


Nanamura-kun's mouth hung open, and a silly sound escaped.

<He wants to read the novel you wrote.>

As Hoshigasaki-san continued, Nanamura-kun let out another strange noise and a big sigh.

"...Oh, right, the novel- wait, did Hoshigasaki really spill my secret like that?"

Watching his annoyed expression, the fog of unease that had clouded my mind started to lift.

I mean, thinking about it calmly, it's Hoshigasaki-san’s personal freedom to invite Nanamura-kun to her house. Why was I so anxious just a moment ago?

As my mind relaxed, a smile crept to the corners of my mouth.

"Sounds interesting. Can I come along too?"

Feeling a bit mischievous, I said that. It did sound fun, and honestly, I'm curious to see Hoshigasaki-san's house.

Nanamura-kun looked a bit reluctant but soon gave in and nodded.

"Well, if Hoshigasaki says it’s okay- oh, 'No problem at all', she says..."

"Really? Yay!"

My phone vibrated at the next moment.

When I checked, there was already an invitation to a LINE group chat for me, Nanamura-kun, and Hoshigasaki-san. It seemed she had created it right after our conversation.

<So, you're coming too, Sora-chan! I’m so happy! Looking forward to it!>

Along with that straightforward message, a sticker of a weird animal saying "Welcome!" was sent. It made me smile. Really, Hoshigasaki-san is such a good person.

<It's my first time going to your house too, Hoshigasaki-san! Looking forward to it as well!>

I replied and looked up to see Nanamura-kun with his face buried in his hands.

"What's wrong?"

"I mean, Hoshigasaki’s big brother is going to read my novel. Of course, I’m nervous."

"You’ll be fine. Haven’t you already built up a tolerance for harsh critiques?"

"Oof, so it's already certain that I'll be harshly critiqued…"

Nanamura-kun's shoulders slumped in dejection.

Seeing him like that, I couldn't hold back my laughter. Seriously, it seems my mood has gotten a bit weird there as well.

I took a sip of my nearly-melted iced tea to cool my head a little.


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