Friday, June 14, 2024

Since I’ve Entered the World of Romantic Comedy Manga, I’ll Do My Best to Make the Losing Heroine Happy V3 Prologue & Chapter 1

Translator: Pingas
Editor: Suu

"Tsukasa is my...b-boyfriend!" A summer of big changes for their secret relationship!?

Summer is approaching, and it's the perfect season to enjoy life as a couple with Sei-chan even more! To prepare for the upcoming days, Tsukasa decides to start a part-time job to save up for their dates. At his workplace, he meets Marino Tobise, a laid-back university student heroine from <Ojojama>.

"Think of me as your big sister and feel free to talk to me~"

Tsukasa, while flustered by Marino's close proximity, they work together well. When Sei sees them together...

"Tsukasa-kun looks so cool, right~" "He's my...b-boyfriend!"

Is it a time of big changes for their secret relationship with his favorite heroine!? Dive into the 3rd installment of this manga reincarnation rom-com, where he paints his own story with his main heroine!


[TL: Please read through Ch.1 to 70 of the WN first if you don't want spoilers, as this volume starts at Ch.71. The WN stops at Ch.84, which is around the first bit of Ch.2. It's original content from the LN afterward.]

"I want a part-time job."

I muttered absentmindedly while watching TV on the living room sofa.

"A part-time job?"

My little sister Rie, who was watching TV with me, asked curiously.

"Yeah, a part-time job."

"Why all of a sudden?"

"Well, I don't have any club activities, so I'm free after school. I thought I could earn some money."

I used to have a part-time job before ending up in this world.

It's been about two months since I got transported into the world of the rom-com manga, <My Childhood Friend Who's a Wealthy Lady Keeps Interrupting My Normal Love Comedy>. The school uniforms have now changed to summer attire.

I'll never forget everything that happened in those two months.

I met Sei Shimada, my favorite character from the manga, and confessed to her the moment we met, and then we ended up dating after various events…

It's something I could never have imagined in my previous world.

I'm so happy that I'm a bit scared this world is just a dream, and I might wake up at any moment.

But, putting that aside, I used to work part-time before coming here.

I did it to earn money to buy Sei-chan's merch, my favorite heroine from <Ojojama>.

However, now that I'm actually dating Sei-chan in this world, I can spend money directly on my waifu.

Don't even try to tell me there's a better way to spend money than this.

However, since I'm not working now, I'm broke.

With summer approaching and various events coming up, I need to save up some money.

"I'll need to earn money if I want to keep dating Sei-chan, right?"

"Ah, for Sei-san, huh?"

Rie has met Sei-chan and already knows we're a couple.

...It's kind of embarrassing to call ourselves a couple.

"Sounds good. What kind of job are you thinking of?"

"Well, maybe something like a cafe waiter."

That's what I did in my previous world as well.

"I think there's a cafe hiring nearby."

"Sounds good to me."

"I can also learn to make a few light meals there so that I can cook for you, Rie."

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it."

Rie said that with a faint smile.

My little sister is so cute, after all.

I couldn't resist reaching out to pat her head.

"Hey, don't pat my head."

"I'll definitely make you some delicious food, so just wait for it."

And so, we spent a leisurely time at home.


The next day, during lunch break at school.

The usual five of us gathered our desks together and ate lunch in the classroom.

"I made lunch again today, Yuuichi. Today's special is bite-sized hamburger steak. They are handmade, of course."

"Eh, seriously? That's amazing."

"Here, ahh~"

"No, I keep telling you that this is really embarrassing…"

"I worked hard to make this for you since early in the morning, Yuuichi. I deserve at least this much of a reward."

"Ugh, okay. Ahh, hmm, it's delicious…"

"Hehe, I'm glad you like it."

The person flustered by the pushy girl beside him is Yuuichi Shigemoto, the protagonist of the <Ojojama> manga world.

And the girl making him say "ahh" is the heroine and wealthy lady, Kaori Tojoin.

As always, Tojoin-san is incredibly proactive.

"Shigemoto-kun, I also made a little something. Would you try it? It's rolled omelet."

"Oh, are you sure?"

"...Yes, uh, s-say ahh~"

"F-Fujise, you don't have to do it if you're embarrassed."

"I-I'm doing it! I can't lose to Tojoin-san! Here, ahh~"

"A-Ahh, hmm, this is delicious too…"

Another heroine, Shiho Fujise, is sitting next to Yuuichi.

She and Tojoin-san are rivals for Yuuichi's affection, and she is competing by feeding him.

"Really? I'm so glad…"

"So you can cook too, Fujise."

"Hehe, I've been practicing bit by bit recently."

Fujise smiled happily, looking proud to be told her cooking was good.

She was originally a heroine who was notoriously bad at cooking.

She borrowed Tojoin-san's kitchen to practice and has now improved to a decent level.

"Shiho, you've grown up so much…"

"Sei-cha-I mean, Shimada, you're like a parent watching over their child."

And the girl next to me, watching over her friend Fujise, is none other than my girlfriend, Sei Shimada.

Sei-chan was the one who worked the hardest to help Fujise overcome her poor cooking skills, so seeing Fujise serve her food to Yuuichi must have made her happy.

But I almost slipped up- I'm only supposed to call her "Sei-chan" when we're alone.

"Shiho told me earlier that she made today's bento all by herself."

"Eh, that's amazing. She was making dark matter just a little while ago."

"It just shows how much effort she's putting in."

"You're really watching over her like a parent. By the way, Shimada, you make your own lunch, right?"

"Yeah, I do. I make it almost every day."

I saw a variety of delicious-looking side dishes lined up when I looked at Sei-chan's bento.

She's skilled enough at cooking to teach Fujise.

"...Do you want some?"


"Hehe, you're honest. Well, I guess it's okay if it's just a little."

Sei-chan and I are keeping our relationship a secret.

So, when Sei-chan said, "it's okay", she meant it wouldn't reveal that we're dating.

"I'll give you some of mine too. Though, my little sister Rie made it."

"Really? I've never tried Rie's cooking, so I'm looking forward to it. Can I have an egg roll?"

"Of course."

Sei-chan took an egg roll from my bento.

"Hisamura, which one do you want?"

"I'll have an egg roll too."

"Alright, go ahead."

I hesitated for a moment as I reached for the food.

…Damn, I want to be fed like Yuuichi.

I would be over the moon if Sei-chan fed me, but that's absolutely not possible here. Everyone would find out we're dating if she did that here.

…If that happens, Yuuichi is already getting jealous looks from all the guys in the class, and they will start targeting me as well

Honestly, I would be willing to endure that, but Sei-chan wants to keep our relationship a secret, so I can't let it happen.

"Hmm? What's wrong?"

Seeing me freeze, Sei-chan asked curiously.

"No, it's nothing. I'll eat this then."

I resumed moving my hand and took the egg roll that Sei-chan had made.

Sei-chan and I almost simultaneously ate each other's egg roll.

"Mmm, delicious! As expected of you, Shimada!"

"Yours is tasty, too."

"I'll let Rie know you said it was good."

"Yeah, please do."

We continued eating after that.

"By the way, Hisamura, why did you freeze up earlier?"

"Hmm? When I was reaching for the egg roll?"

"Yeah, you seemed to be struggling with something."

As expected of Sei-chan, she noticed that in just a split second.

Yuuichi and the others had already left, and no one was paying attention to us.

I moved a bit closer to Sei-chan and whispered so only she could hear.

"Actually, I wanted you to feed me like Yuichi, you know, that whole 'ahh' sequence."


Sei-chan's cheeks instantly turned red at my words.

She glanced around, then whispered back to me.

"There's no way I would do that here...!"

"Yeah, I figured, so I gave up and just took the egg roll normally."

"I see. Well, yeah, that makes sense…"

Sei-chan looked around again to make sure no one was watching, then leaned in closer and whispered even more quietly.

"I-I'll do it when we're alone, Tsukasa..."

My heart skipped a beat at that moment.

I thought I might die from cuteness overload...! That was dangerous...!

The combination of her incredibly cute words and calling me by my name, which I'm still not used to, felt like a sheer heart attack.

"...It's a promise, Sei-chan."

"Y-Yeah, of course."

Sei-chan turned her bright red face away.

Ah, my girlfriend is cute as always today…!


A few days later.

Sei-chan and I are on an after-school date at a cafe.

Since we couldn't leave school together, we pretended to go home separately and then met up on the way to the cafe.

It might be a bit of a hassle, but the secret date aspect makes it surprisingly fun.

We went to Sei-chan's favorite cafe, Moonbucks, where she bought a drink with a name as long as a spell. Then we sat together and enjoyed our drinks.

Sei-chan, who surprisingly has a sweet tooth, looked happy and squinted slightly as she drank, looking adorably cute.

"Sei-chan, is that good?"

"Mm, it's delicious. I always order this every time I'm here. Sometimes, I try the new drinks, but nothing beats this one."

"Really? It must be really good then."

"Tsukasa, do you want to try it?"

"Eh, are you sure?"

Sei-chan still isn't used to calling me by my name, and she blushes a bit when she does. It's so cute that I almost wish she would never get used to it.

"Of course, a little sip is fine."

"Okay, then I'll- ah…"


As Sei-chan handed me her drink, I was about to take a sip but stopped when I saw the straw.

Wait, does this mean I have to do an indirect kiss?

We had an indirect kiss at the amusement park before, but that was with food. This is a straw, which somehow feels like a higher level of indirect kissing. Not that I'm sure there are levels to this.

"What's wrong, Tsukasa- ah…"

Sei-chan noticed my hesitation as I stared at the straw and blushed.

Oh, right, I could just use the straw from my coffee.

"I-It's okay."


"It's fine, we're...a couple, so an indirect kiss is okay..."

Sei-chan turned her face away, blushing deeply as she spoke.

Ugh, she's so cute, and I'm so happy but also embarrassed!

"I-I see. I'll take a sip then."

"G-Go ahead."

Being told that so formally made me even more nervous about using the straw.

But I decided not to overthink it.

I nervously put my mouth on the straw and took a sip.

"...H-How is it?"

"...Y-Yeah, it's tasty."

I couldn't really savor the taste, but I could tell it was sweet and delicious.

The reason I couldn't fully appreciate it should be pretty obvious.

"G-Glad to hear that."




We both fell silent for a moment, embarrassed.

"U-Uh, Tsukasa, I made some cookies for you today."

"A-Ah, right, you mentioned that."

Sei-chan brought up the cookies, and I gladly went along with it.

Yesterday, Sei-chan sent me a message on RINE asking, "I'm going to make cookies tomorrow. Would you like some?"

Of course, I replied with, "I would love to!"

But then I asked, "But why all of a sudden? I'm happy, but what's the occasion?"

Her following message made me squirm with joy.

"...Well, you remember the promise to feed you, right?"

Sei-chan made the cookies specifically to feed me.

…Wait a second, that means-

And then she took out the cookies.


Sei-chan seemed to remember our RINE conversation as well, freezing after she took out the cookies.

We looked at each other, faces turning bright red again.

"U-Uh, Tsukasa, these are the cookies I mentioned yesterday…"

"Y-Yeah, they look great. Their smell is appetizing."

"...Thanks, so, as I said yesterday…"


Sei-chan took a cookie out of the bag, holding it in her trembling hand.


Her face turned even redder, her eyes slightly watery, as she nervously offered the cookie to me.

Absolutely adorable…!

I wanted to take a picture of this scene and set it as my wallpaper.

But leaving her like this would be too cruel.

Even though I was embarrassed, I steeled myself and…


Sei-chan's homemade cookie went directly from her hand into my mouth.

Could there be anything more wonderful than this?

"H-How is it?"

"...Well, sorry, I was too embarrassed to really taste it, but I'm super happy."

"W-What!? I-I went out of my way to make it for you! The least you could do is to taste it properly!"

"That's pretty cute of you…!"

"H-Hey!? Would you stop saying things like that out of the blue!?"

I couldn't help but say it, but her cuteness was off the charts.

But she's right. It's my fault for not savoring it properly.

On the other hand, perhaps it's her fault for being too cute, but she's pretty cute, so it's not her fault.

"I'm sorry. I'll make sure to taste it properly next time. Can I have another one?"

"Another one?"

"Yeah, I would like to eat all the cookies like this."

"All of them!? Do you know how many I made!?"

I could see at least twenty cookies in the clear bag.

"Let's start with one more. I promise I'll taste it properly this time."

"Fine, but you better."

"I promise."

"Okay then, ahh…"

"Ahh, mmm, it's delicious…"

I was still a bit embarrassed, but I managed to taste it better than the first time.

The cookie was chocolate-flavored and delicious. It was beautifully made, too.

"Is it? I'm glad."

"Yeah, really, thank you, Sei-chan."

"Well, it was a promise."

The way Sei-chan keeps her promises, especially one as silly as this, is so endearing and lovable.

"I made a lot, so you can share them with Rie when you get home."

"Thanks, Rie will be thrilled."

I took the bag of cookies from Sei-chan and was about to put them in my bag when I suddenly remembered something.

"Sei-chan, you fed me, but I didn't get to feed you."

"Me? I don't really need you to..."

"No, I want to feed you."

"Do you really want to?"

"I really, really do."

When I looked straight into Sei-chan's eyes and said that, she shyly looked away for a moment.

"...O-Okay, could you…do it for me?"

"Sure. Here, Sei-chan, say ahh~"


Sei-chan closed her eyes, timidly opened her mouth, and leaned her face slightly toward me.

Ugh, what is this? She's too cute...!

"...Tsukasa, why are you just sitting there? I look silly with my mouth open like this."

"Ah, sorry, I was mesmerized by how cute you look when you say 'ahh'."

"Y-You're really…!

Sei-chan sighed in exasperation, but her cheeks were tinged with red from embarrassment.

"Sorry, I'll do it properly this time."

"Please do, a-ahh…"

Enduring her unbelievably cute face, I offered a cookie to Sei-chan.

"...Hmm, yeah, just like when I tasted it earlier."


The taste wouldn't change just because of an "ahh".

"But having you feed me made me incredibly happy."

"I-I see. Well, maybe it made me happier than just eating it myself, maybe…"

"You can't say something that adorable…!"

"Y-You're just making fun of me, aren't you!?"

Of course, I wasn't…

"Others probably see us as an idiot couple."

"Ugh, it hurts me to say I can't deny that…!"

Sei-chan glanced around again to make sure no one we knew was nearby.

Though no acquaintances were around, an elderly couple was looking at us with warm smiles while a single salaryman was glaring at us scornfully.

Wow, his aura practically radiates bitterness.

"I come to this cafe often, so I don't really want to stand out..."

"Don't worry, from now on, I'll come here with you."

"How does that help?"

"Well, the attention will be split between us if we're together."

Besides, most of the envious stares from men would be directed at me, so the amount of attention on Sei-chan would be halved.

"That doesn't help at all."

Sei-chan laughed and shook her head.

"Are you starting a part-time job?"

"Yeah, that's right."

"I've been wanting to start for a while. I found a nice place, so I contacted them, and I think I'll have an interview tomorrow, on Saturday."

I told Sei-chan the same thing I had told Rie earlier.

"What kind of job?"

"A cafe. Not a chain like this, but a privately owned one."

"I see. That sounds good. But why start all of a sudden?"

"Of course, it's for you, Sei-chan."

"For me? I'm not extorting money from you or anything."

"Ahaha, I know you would never do that, Sei-chan."

I would probably refuse even if she said so, or would I…?

If Sei-chan ever said, "Tsukasa, could you give me some money?" I might just give it to her. 

Of course, I know she wouldn't ask, but as someone who's been devoted to my favorite character, I might not be able to refuse.

"I think we'll go on various dates in the future."

"Y-Yeah, that's right."

Sei-chan's cheeks turned a little red at the word "date." So cute.

"Right now, it's just going to cafes, but you would like to go to amusement parks and other places again, right?"

"Well, it might get boring if we only go to cafes every time."

"That's why I want to work and save money now so that we can go on all kinds of dates together."

"I see, so that's why you're saying that it's for me."

Also, since I don't get much allowance at home, I won't even be able to afford coffee here if I don't get a part-time job.

"Make sure to use some of the money for your own hobbies too, not just for dates with me."

"Well, I would like to, but I don't have many hobbies."

In my previous world, I worked part-time to buy Sei-chan's merchandise, so most of my money went there.

In this world, spending all my money on Sei-chan doesn't feel like a waste- it's pure happiness.

"You don't have hobbies? Didn't you say you liked manga and stuff before?"

"Yeah, that's true. I'll probably spend a bit on manga and anime."

I don't think I've read any of the manga in this world. I'm looking forward to it.

"By the way, I read the manga we bought together."

"Which one? The shojo manga?"

"Yeah, that one."

We had talked about manga before and went to the bookstore together to buy it.

Sei-chan, influenced by her brother, reads a lot of shonen manga but hasn't read much shojo manga.

But I remember from the <Ojojama> manga that she was curious about it. There was a scene where she wondered whether to buy shojo manga alone at a bookstore, feeling it didn't suit her character.

So when we went to buy manga together, I bought the shojo manga and promised to lend it to her.

"Did you enjoy it?"

"Yeah, it was fascinating."

"R-Really? I recommended it because I thought it looked interesting, but I was worried it might not match your taste since I hadn't read it myself."

"Oh, I see. Even if it didn't match my taste, I would still be happy to learn about what you like, Sei-chan."

"But since you spent your money on it, I wanted to make sure you enjoyed it first."

"Hehe, you're so kind."

"It's nothing special, just the right thing to do."

Sei-chan said this shyly.

"I finished the shonen manga you lent me, so I'll bring it back next time."

"Okay. And, uh, the shojo manga too..."

"Of course, I'll lend it to you. It's a promise."

"Thank you! I'm looking forward to it."

Sei-chan's face lit up with joy.

Her beautiful and cool appearance made her cute smiles even more unfairly charming.

"I really enjoyed <Tengobu>. It was surprising to see a weak-looking goblin become so strong."

"Hehe, I know, right? At first, I didn't feel like reading it because the protagonist was a goblin, but seeing him get stronger and defeat other monsters that underestimated him was really satisfying."

We chatted about the manga Sei-chan had lent me.

Both of us liked manga, so time flew by as we talked.

"...And then, oh, it's already this late."

"You're right. It's getting a bit dark outside. I didn't even notice."

"Let's head back. Sorry for keeping you so late."

"No, I'm the one who should apologize. I got so absorbed in talking about manga because I didn't have anyone to discuss it with before."

It's true. Sei-chan's closest friend, Fujise, doesn't read manga, so she doesn't have anyone to talk to about it.

But I love it and enjoyed the shojo manga she was interested in.

"Just say the word when you want to talk about manga with me again. I had tons of fun chatting with you, Sei-chan."

"Thank you. I'll lend you more manga, so let's talk about them again."

"Of course."

We smiled at each other as we left the cafe.

It was a delightful date, mainly because Sei-chan fed me cookies.


After finishing her cafe date with Tsukasa, Sei returned home and completed her homework before taking a bath.

Usually, she would head straight to the bath, but that evening, she stood in front of her bookshelf, hand on her chin, deep in thought.

"...Hmm, which manga should I lend him next?"

She muttered to herself as she scanned her nearly overflowing collection, realizing she might need a second bookshelf soon.

"Should I go with a classic shounen manga? He did say he enjoyed <Tengobu>, so he might prefer an action-packed battle series. But since he also said he found shojo manga interesting, maybe a rom-com would be good."

Sei considered various options. Unlike pure shojo manga, she feels comfortable buying and reading rom-coms with male protagonists, so her bookshelf is lined with many of those.

After pondering for about ten minutes, she decided she should take a bath first and left her room to soak in the tub. Even in the bath, her thoughts revolved around which manga to lend Tsukasa.

"...What should I do? Wait, I don't have to choose just one. I can lend him both a classic battle manga and a rom-com. Yes, that's what I'll do."

Muttering to herself, Sei closed her eyes and sighed contentedly.

(Today was fun talking about manga with Tsukasa. It was the first time I chatted about manga with someone, so I got carried away. I hope I didn't annoy him...)

She reminisced about the day's events, not just the manga talk.

(I'm glad he liked my homemade cookies. And I kept my promise to feed him, though it felt like I was treating him like a pet. It was embarrassing when he fed me...)

Lost in thought, Sei suddenly realized something.

(H-Have I been thinking about Tsukasa almost non-stop since I got home…?)

Tsukasa had kindly walked her home since it was late.

Right after, she thought to herself.

(He's so kind and thoughtful. I'm glad to have such a lovely boyfriend…)

While eating dinner and finishing her homework, she hadn't thought much about it, but since then, her mind had been filled with thoughts of Tsukasa.

(This makes me seem like a girlfriend who's way too in love with him...!)

Sei's face turned bright red as she shook her head, trying to justify her thoughts to herself.

(B-But it's not like I was thinking about Tsukasa all the time. I was just wondering which manga to give him next time we meet.)

Trying to justify her thoughts, Sei got out of the bath.

She did her usual skincare routine, dried her hair with a hairdryer, and then returned to her room.

Her phone lit up, indicating a new message on RINE. It was from Tsukasa.

<Sei-chan, thanks for the cookies. Rie said they were really delicious, too.>

Sei couldn't help but smile after reading the message.

<That's great. I'm glad it could be a thank you for the egg roll Rie made for me.>

Sei got a taste of Rie's delicious cooking while she and Tsukasa were exchanging bento side dishes. That's why she made cookies for both of them as appreciation.

Another message quickly followed.

<I bragged to Rie that you fed me with an "ahh",  and she called me an idiot.>

"Hey, what are you talking about…!?"

That wasn't something he should be sharing with others, even if Rie was family.

<Why are you bragging about that? Don't tell other people such things.>

Sei sent her message, and it was read immediately.

<Sorry. I just wanted to brag. I didn't mean to make you angry.>

Even though Sei wasn't mad, her previous message did sound a bit curt.

<I'm not angry.>

She clarified, then continued typing.

<It's just…embarrassing.>

After sending that, she felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her.

The fact that Tsukasa hadn't replied yet only made her more anxious.

(Why isn't he replying? Did he find it weird that I said it was embarrassing? But it really was...)

Just as she was getting more flustered, Tsukasa's reply came.

<I'm glad you're not angry. I was just thinking about how cute you are.>

Sei's cheeks turned an even deeper shade of red.

<You don't need to report every little thing.>

Sei sent the message, but she wondered why Tsukasa wasn't replying quickly this time. Maybe it would have been nice if he had continued to report every little thing.

<Sorry about that. I'll try not to brag to Rie too much in the future.>

<Please do that.>

<But sometimes, even when I'm not trying to brag or show off, Rie says, "Can you stop with the lovey-dovey stuff?">

<...What did you tell her?>

<Like the time we were walking to school, a big dog barked at us, and you jumped. I told Rie how cute you looked.>

<Please don't tell her that.>

That incident had indeed happened, but to Sei, it was just an awkward moment.

<Or like how you looked like a cute chipmunk trying to eat a piece of karaage in one bite during lunch.>

<That's also embarrassing. Were you watching?>

Just the other day, during lunch at school, she had struggled a bit to eat a large piece of karaage in one bite. She had tried to be discreet, but apparently, Tsukasa had noticed.

<I often tell Rie about the cute things you do every day, and she always says, "Yeah, yeah, brag all you want.">

<I guess it does sound like bragging to others. And it's embarrassing for me as well, so please tone it down.>

She didn't tell him to stop completely because a part of her was actually happy about it.

<Got it. I'll limit myself to once a day.>

<You've been doing it multiple times a day…?>

"Sheesh, Tsukasa, you…"

(...Just how much does he like me? Ugh, just thinking about it makes me embarrassed!)

Trying to shake off the embarrassment, Sei looked away from her phone and saw the <Tengobu>  manga on her desk. She had lent it to Tsukasa, and he had returned it.

"That's right. I should ask Tsukasa what kind of manga he wants next."

Remembering the promise to lend him more manga, she sent a message.

<What kind of manga do you want to borrow next? I have classic shonen manga, isekai, rom-coms, and more.>

<Hmm, how about a rom-com?>

<Not shojo manga, but rom-coms that are usually in shounen magazines. Is that okay?>

<Of course, I actually prefer those.>

<Got it. I'll bring some to school then.>

<Thanks. I'll bring the shojo manga, too.>

<Looking forward to it.>

As Sei typed this last message, she noticed her lips curling into a smile.

The anticipation of reading shojo manga was part of it, but what truly made her happy was talking about manga with Tsukasa.

<Tsukasa, I love you.>

She typed out the message but hesitated to hit send.

It takes a lot of courage to send something like that.

She had only said it a few times in person, so she thought it might be easier over text, but still…

(T-This is too embarrassing…)

Just looking at her own message made her cheeks flush.

(No, I can't send it. I'll delete it…)

Her phone vibrated just as she was about to send the message.

"Uwah! That scared me, oh, it's just Shiho…"

Her best friend Shiho called.

It's not that unusual since she makes unexpected calls sometimes.

"Hello, Shiho. What's up?"

"Hey, Sei-chan. Sorry to call out of the blue, but I have a question about the math homework. How far are we supposed to go in the workbook?"

"Page 24."

"Got it, thanks. Ugh, that's my weak spot."

"Do you want me to help you out?"

"Really? Thanks! I was kind of hoping you would offer."

"Hehe, I figured."

Sei put the phone on speaker and sat down at her desk, opening her math workbook.

Her phone vibrated again, indicating a new message.

"Huh? Did your phone just buzz, Sei-chan?"

It seemed Shiho had heard the vibration through the call.

"Yeah, sorry, I'll turn off the vibration."

"It's okay. Is it from Hisamura-kun?"

"Y-Yeah, I think so…"

The text at this time could only be from Tsukasa, with whom she had been exchanging messages with until a moment ago.

Sei opened the conversation with Tsukasa and saw…


"What? What's wrong?"

Shiho asked, hearing Sei's startled reaction.

Sei had accidentally sent the message she had written earlier but decided not to send.

<Tsukasa, I love you.>

The message had been sent, and Tsukasa had already read it and replied.

<Thank you, Sei-chan. I love you too.>

"O-Oh, no…!"

Sei muttered, her face turning bright red.

It must have happened when Shiho's call made her phone vibrate, causing her finger to hit the send button.

"Sei-chan, are you okay? What happened?"

"...N-No, I'm not okay, but it's fine..."

"Which is it? Did something happen with Hisamura-kun?"

"Y-Yeah, something like that…"

It was too embarrassing to tell Shiho about this.

"What happened? Tell me!"

"I-I'm not telling. This is a secret between Tsukasa and me."

"Oh my, did you just call him by his first name?"


"Heh, so you're calling Hisamura-kun by his first name now? Does that mean you do that when you're alone together?"

"Well, not exactly, but…"

"You wouldn't slip up like that if you weren't flustered. So, what happened with Hisamura-kun?"

"I-I'm not telling you. Now, let's get back to your homework."

"Did he say 'I love you' on RINE?"


"I guess I got it right, judging from your reaction."


"Alright, alright. Let's focus on the homework now, or I won't help you."

Despite her embarrassment, Sei helped Shiho with her homework.

However, afterward, she couldn't help but look at her conversation with Tsukasa and feel flustered.

Meanwhile, Tsukasa-

"Too cute...! What is this message? I took a screenshot the moment I saw it...! She didn't even say it directly, but why is it so adorable just seeing the words? Sei-chan's cuteness is out of this world...!"

"Onii-chan, stop wriggling around in the living room and go to your own room."

His sister Rie said, giving him a cold stare.

Chapter 1: Part-Time Job and New Character

It's been about a week since I decided to start a part-time job.

I have already scheduled a job interview, and today, Saturday, is the day it takes place.

The cafe I'm heading to is about a 10-minute walk from my house.

Although it's in the opposite direction from my school, it's still within a reasonable distance.

As I opened the door, a bell chimed, and I stepped into the retro-themed interior.

It's not one of those modern, stylish cafes but rather an old-fashioned coffee shop with a nostalgic atmosphere.


I felt more suited to working in a place like this, so I applied to this cafe.

The interior is quite spacious, and since it's still before noon, there aren't many customers.

A gentle-looking man, probably in his sixties, approached me with a warm smile.

"Uh, I'm Tsukasa Hisamura, here for the part-time job interview today."

"Ah, so you're the one. I'm glad you could make it. Come on in, come on in."

"Thank you."

The man, who seemed to be the manager, smiled genuinely, not the usual customer-service smile. He led me to the back of the shop.

Oh man, it's been a while since I had a job interview, and now I'm starting to feel really nervous.

We entered a room with stock and lockers, and we sat facing each other.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Saitou, the manager of this cafe."

"N-Nice to meet you. I'm Tsukasa Hisamura. Thank you for having me today."

"Likewise. No need to be too nervous. I just want to have a light chat while looking over your resume."

"Yes, here's my resume."

"Ah, thank you. Hmm, oh, you go to Tojoin High School. That's nice and close. Easy for you to get here."

"Yes, it's about a 10-minute walk from my house."

"That's good to know. It helps us too, since we don't have to cover transportation costs."

The interview began in a relaxed manner, more like a casual conversation than a formal interview.

My previous job was at a chain store, so the interview process was much stricter. This being an independently owned cafe, things seemed more laid-back.

I appreciated the more casual atmosphere.

"So, what made you decide to start a part-time job?"

"Well, honestly, I wanted to earn some money..."

"Haha, that's usually the reason for a part-time job. It's natural to want to have some spending money in high school. It's a perfectly fine motivation."

"T-Thank you."

"Are you in any clubs?"

"No, I'm not. So I can start working around 4 after school."

"Great. That's really good to hear. Do you have any plans for the rest of the day?"

"Uh, no, not really. I don't have anything to do at home."

"Then, can you start today?"


Start today? Does that mean I'm hired?

"So, does that mean I passed the interview?"

"Oh, yes, of course. We've been looking for someone, and you seem like a good fit, Hisamura-kun. I would love to have you start if that's alright."

"O-Of course! Thank you very much!"

Ohh, nice, I passed the interview.

I would have been embarrassed if I had failed after telling Rie and Sei-chan that I was starting a part-time job.

"So, can you start right now?"

"Oh, yes, that's fine."

"Good. Of course, you'll be paid for today. Just take it easy at first and get used to the flow and customer service."

"Yes, thank you very much."

"Here's the uniform. You can change here when you start your shift. We don't provide pants, so just wear black trousers like the ones you're wearing now."


The uniform consists of a navy blue shirt with a black tie.

The tie isn't the type you have to tie. It has a hook for easy attachment.

There's also a brown half-apron, which I think is called a sommelier apron. The overall dark color scheme suits the calm atmosphere of the cafe.

Alright, I've got the job, and I'm ready to work hard!

Just as I started to change, I heard the bell chime outside. A customer must have come in since it was almost lunchtime.

Oh, right. I need to text Rie to let her know I passed the interview and started work, so I won't need lunch.

With my shirt off, I took out my phone to send a message to Rie when-

The door opened with a click.



I thought the manager had come back, but standing there was a beautiful lady.

She has long, wavy, ash-blonde hair and exudes a gentle aura.

Her eyes are large and kind, not sharp, giving her a friendly and warm appearance. She's pretty, more of the kind and approachable type than the cool and distant type.

Wait, I feel like I've seen her somewhere before. She feels familiar…

Hold on. I'm standing here shirtless in front of this woman, okay?

I'm in the middle of changing, you know?

"Ah, are you the new part-timer?"

I was panicking internally, but the lady who walked in seemed utterly unfazed as she talked to me.

"Uh, yes, that's me."

"I thought so! Nice to meet you. I just started here recently, too, so I'm not really your senpai or anything. I'm a second-year university student, 19 years old. What about you?"

"Ah, I'm a second-year high school student."

"Really? You look so mature. I thought you were around my age!"

We are having a normal conversation, but I'm still shirtless.

She didn't seem to mind, so maybe a guy being shirtless didn't bother her. I quickly put on the uniform.

"Sorry, you caught me in the middle of changing."

"Hmm? What's wrong with changing in the back room? I'm about to change too."

"Thanks for understanding- wait, what?"

About to change?

She started taking off her clothes before I could even process this.

"W-Why are you changing here?!"

I quickly turned away, trying not to look.

She had started unbuttoning her shirt, so at least I didn't see her underwear, but I did catch a glimpse of her cleavage.

"Eh? This is the place to do that, right?"

"But I'm here, so you should wait!"

Why is she so nonchalant about this!?

"I'm done putting my shirt on, so I'll step out and let you change!"

"You sure? Sorry for the trouble~"

I grabbed my tie and apron and left the back room.

What's with that girl…?

"Ah, Hisamura-kun, did you meet the other part-timer?"

"Yes, she surprised me by coming into the back room while I was changing."

"Sorry about that. I forgot to explain your situation to her."

Manager Saitou apologized to me.

"It's okay, but..."

"I'll properly introduce you once she's finished changing."

A few minutes later, as I was being shown how to clock in and out for my shifts, she came back.

"Manager, sorry for the wait!"

"Ah, Tobise-san, perfect timing."


That name sounds familiar. Where have I heard it before? And I thought I recognized her face earlier…

"This is Tsukasa Hisamura-kun, who will be joining us starting today."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Tsukasa Hisamura."

However, since this was likely our first meeting, I made sure to greet her properly.

"It's not our first meeting, is it?"

"Eh? I-I'm sorry, have we met before...?"

"We met just now in the back room, remember? Did you already forget?"

"...Ah, yes."

I thought I recognized her, but it turned out she was just a bit airheaded.

But there's still something familiar about her…

"And Hisamura-kun, this is Marino Tobise-san. She joined us a week ago."

"Marino Tobise…?"

I gasped upon hearing that name.

Yes, this person…!

It's not that we had met somewhere before.

But I know who she is.

That's because-

"I'm Marino Tobise! Nice to meet you~"

She's a character in <Ojojama>.


Marino Tobise.

A character in the manga <Ojojama>, she's also one of the heroines in the story.

She appeared quite late in the manga, and her gentle demeanor, combined with her looks, quickly won her many fans.

Her kind and big-sisterly appearance made her stand out as a unique heroine in the manga.

"Nice to meet you~"

She said so with a bright smile.

Fans often called her "Marinon" or "Mari-nee-san".

"N-Nice to meet you too, Tobise-san."

I was pretty shocked, but I tried not to show it as I greeted her.

"Yeah, likewise. Can I call you Tsukasa-kun?"

"Eh? Ah, yes, sure thing."

"Thanks! Tsukasa-kun, you said you're in your second year of high school, right? Which school?"

"Tojoin High School."

"Really? I went there too!"

Tobise-san was chatting away with a bright smile.

If this were a manga, the background would be filled with flowers.

Anyway, I never imagined I would meet her at my part-time job.

She's supposed to be 20 years old in the manga.

But Tobise-san mentioned she's 19, which means she must have had her birthday between now and when she meets the protagonist, Yuuichi Shigemoto, later this year.

It's hard to believe I would have met her before Yuuichi did.

"You two seem to be getting along well, but can I start explaining the work now?"

"Ah, sorry, manager."

"Sure thing. But I already understand most of it."

"Tobise-san, you've only been here for a week. Let's review everything with Hisamura-kun."

"Got it."

She responded in her usual relaxed manner.

"...And there are still many things you're unsure about."

The manager muttered quietly, likely hoping Tobise-san didn't hear.

Now that I think about it, Marino Tobise did come across as a bit of an airhead in the manga.

After that, we went through the basic tasks together.

We greeted customers, guided them to available seats, served water, took orders, relayed them to the manager, and delivered the prepared orders.

Just as we finished the explanations, a customer walked in, and I took charge.

"Good job, Hisamura-kun. You looked like a natural, not like it was your first time."

"Thank you very much."

Well, I did have a similar job in my previous life, so it wasn't my first time.

The tasks are nearly identical to what I had done before. It's a piece of cake.

"Once you get the hang of it, I would like you to help with the cooking as well. Are you okay with that?"

"Yes, absolutely."

In fact, I chose this place just so I could learn to cook better.

"Manager! I spilled some water!"

"Okay, I'll clean it up. Take the new one to the customer."

"Got it."

...Tobise-san seems a bit scatterbrained.

"Ah, I forgot to take the order! I'll go back and ask~"

"Alright, good luck. It's nice to have such a cute new staff member. And, of course, that includes you too, Hisamura-kun."

"...Okay? Thank you very much."

Manager Saitou seems to have a laid-back demeanor typical of someone his age, which probably matches well with Tobise-san's personality.

After that, Tobise-san and I learned the ropes together and worked through our shifts.

When the lunch rush was over, and the customer flow slowed down, Tobise-san and I were given our lunch breaks at the same time.

"Sorry to put you right into the lunch rush. It must have been busy. Here, have some staff meals. Enjoy."

"Yay, manager's staff meal! Tsukasa-kun, it's super delicious!"

"Haha, don't raise the bar too high, Tobise-san."

"Thank you, manager."

We took our meals to the back room and started eating together.

Break time is 30 minutes, so we can relax and enjoy our food.

"Mmm, it's so good! The manager's cooking is always amazing."

"Really, it's delicious."

Today's meal is Napolitan spaghetti, and it is indeed delicious.

I can treat Sei-chan and Rie if I can learn to make stuff like this.

I want to learn the job quickly and get some cooking lessons too.

"Phew, thanks for the food!"

"That was fast!"

I haven't even finished half of my meal, and Tobise-san has already finished hers.

Come to think of it, even though she has a gentle, big-sisterly vibe, I remember that she's known for having a good appetite, on par with Yuuichi.

...There was also a joke in the manga that all the calories she consumed went straight to her chest, which, looking at her figure, made sense.

"But seriously, Tsukasa-kun, you're really impressive. You've pretty much learned the job already, right?"

"Do you think so? I still have a lot to learn."

"No way, you're doing great! Have you done this kind of work before?"

"N-No, this is my first job."

"Really? That's amazing. You're a natural."

In reality, I had done this kind of work in my previous life, but I couldn't exactly say that.

Speaking of my previous life, Marino Tobise was one of the heroines from the manga <Ojojama> that I read back then.

However, the main heroines of that story are Kaori Tojoin and Shiho Fujise.

This means she, too, is a heroine who won't end up with the protagonist, Yuuichi Shigemoto.

My girlfriend and sister, Sei Shimada and Rie Hisamura, are also in the "losing heroine" category, but maybe that's not the case for Tobise-san.

"Phew, running around working made me a bit sweaty."

Tobise-san said that, fanning herself and wiping her forehead lightly.

It's almost June, and the summer heat is starting to kick in. The cafe's temperature is in that awkward range where it's hard to decide whether to turn on the air conditioning or not, so it's understandable that she's sweating a bit.

"Is it okay if I unbutton a few buttons?"

"I guess that's fine."

"I know, right!"

She proceeded to unbutton the top three buttons of her shirt.

"Haa, this uniform is so tight around the chest. It gets really hot."

She fanned herself with her shirt, causing it to lift slightly.


I immediately looked away.

With three buttons undone, not only is her cleavage visible, but I can almost see her bra.

I even caught a glimpse of something pink as she cooled herself.

"T-Tobise-san, please keep it to two buttons. I can see your chest."

"Hmm? What's wrong with showing my chest?"

"It's very wrong. I can see your bra as well."

"Ahaha, that would be a bit embarrassing."

She laughed and finally closed one button, leaving only a little cleavage visible.

I tried my best not to look.

"Hehe, Tsukasa-kun, you're so cute."

"...Please don't tease me so much."

There's no doubt that Marino Tobise is a heroine from the manga.

She appeared later in the series and, despite not being the main heroine, gained popularity for a specific reason.

The reason is that she constantly causes accidental and lewd situations, making her the fan service character.

There are all kinds of heroines in a rom-com.

Main heroines like Kaori Tojoin and Shiho Fujise have a high chance of being chosen by the protagonist.

Losing heroines like Sei Shimada and Rie Hisamura, who love the protagonist but are almost certain not to end up with him.

And then there are girls who don't have special feelings for the MC but still hold a heroine-like position.

Instead of a heroine, she's a character that adds charm and plays a specific role in the story. 

In the manga, she didn't have strong romantic feelings for Yuuichi.

As a second-year university student, she simply thought of him as a "cute boy".

However, she frequently appeared, causing jealousy and dislike from the other heroines.

This was mainly because of the…mysterious and lewd accidents she often found herself in.

These incidents included her clothes falling off or tripping and falling into Yuuichi, causing him to accidentally touch her chest.

That's why she especially drew jealousy from Fujise and dislike from Tojoin-san.

Despite her ditzy and gentle nature, Tobise-san would always say things like, "Girls in love are cute, so I'm rooting for you" to Fujise and Tojoin-san.

And here I am, meeting this fan-service heroine before she appears in the manga.

"Tsukasa-kun? You look like you're deep in thought. Is everything okay?"

Tobise-san asked me with a concerned look as I recalled her role in <Ojojama>.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just daydreaming a bit."

"Really? If you ever have a problem, just let me know. Onee-san will help you out."

She said this with a cute expression that could be accompanied by a "mufu" sound effect.

I couldn't exactly tell her that I was worried about her manga setting, so I just thanked her.

But the fact that she's working part-time- was that ever mentioned in the manga?

Honestly, I don't know much about her since she appeared so late in the series.

<Ojoiama> is set to be adapted into an anime, but only 9 volumes have been published. Since she appeared in the latter half, there are still many unknowns about her character.

Despite her late appearance, Tobise-san ranked high in popularity polls.

If I remember correctly, she came in second place.

She's more popular than Sei-chan or Rie and even surpassed the main heroines.

...Everyone loves a sexy older sister character, don't they?

And yes, I like her too.

But I still voted for Sei-chan! Because she's my favorite!

After our break, we resumed our part-time work.

Since I was already used to this kind of work, I adapted quickly and soon started helping with tasks like making drinks.

As for Tobise-san…

"Manager, where should I take this tasty-looking dish?"

"It's for table three. It should be written on the order slip."

"Oh, you're right. …Table three. Sorry for the wait! Here's your delicious meal~"

"Uh, we didn't order this."


"Tobise-san, that's table four. And remember to say the name of the dish when you serve it."

She seems to be struggling quite a bit.

But thanks to her gentle and warm demeanor, the manager looked at her with an affectionate indulgence, like watching a beloved granddaughter.

"Uh, onee-san, that dish you brought looked delicious. Can we order some food, too?"

"Ah, really? It does look good, doesn't it? All the manager's cooking is really delicious. I haven't tried it all, but I'm sure it's great."

"I-I see. So, what would you recommend?"

"I had the Napolitan spaghetti for lunch, and it was amazing. It just melts in your mouth."

"Alright, I'll have that then."

"Okay! One Napolitan, please, manager."

"Sure, but remember to say it more professionally."

Even the customers seemed charmed by Tobise-san's natural, laid-back vibe and were ordering additional food.

Being pretty definitely has its advantages. But it's not just her looks- it's her entire aura.

"Our sales have gone up since Tobise-san started working here. She's still making a lot of mistakes, but she's best suited for working the floor."

"That makes sense."

Given her scatterbrained nature, it's questionable if she could handle cooking.

There were no scenes of her cooking in the manga, but she might be as hopeless as Shiho Fujise in the kitchen.

"That's why I wanted you to focus on cooking rather than working the floor, Hisamura-kun. It's great that you preferred it, too."

"No problem at all."

Starting the job around the same time as Tobise-san has sped up my learning process in the kitchen. I have her to thank for that.

With that, our shift passed, and around six in the evening, it was time for Tobise-san and me to clock out.

"Good job, you two. Hisamura-kun, thanks for staying so late on your interview day."

"No problem. I wanted to start as soon as possible, so I appreciate it."

"Thank you for your hard work, manager!"

"Yes, good work, Tobise-san."

With that, Tobise-san and I headed to the back room together.

"Nice work, Tsukasa-kun. You picked things up so quickly, even faster than me. I guess that doesn't make me much of a senpai."

"Well, I had some experience, sort of."

"Eh? But didn't you say this was your first job?"

"...Ah, uh, well, there's this manga about running a cafe. I read it, so I kind of had an idea of what to do."

"Oh, I see."

Phew, close one. I almost slipped up about my previous life.

I started to undress in the back room when it hit me- if I'm changing here, so is Tobise-san…

"Hmm? What's wrong?"

Without a care in the world, Tobise-san has already unbuttoned her shirt.

"Ah! Sorry, I'll step out!"

I caught a glimpse of her bra and quickly rushed out, closing the door behind me.

…I messed up. Why is she so nonchalant about changing in front of a guy?

"It's okay if we change together, you know!"

"Please don't come out!"

She stepped out with her shirt still unbuttoned. This woman, why is she so naturally oblivious…?

I waited for Tobise-san to finish changing and went back in to change myself.

I had only planned to come for an interview, but I ended up working until the evening.

After changing into my regular clothes, I left the back room.

"Manager, I'm going home now."

"Alright. Is your next shift after school on Monday okay?"

"Yes, that's fine."

"Great, thank you. It's a big help. See you then."

"Thank you. See you then."

I left the cafe after exchanging farewells with the manager.

It has been a while since I last worked a part-time job, and the nervousness has taken its toll on me.

I stretched my arms above my head, trying to shake off the fatigue.



I let out an odd yelp when someone poked my side out of nowhere.

"Ahaha, what a funny sound!"

"...Tobise-san, you haven't left yet?"

Tobise-san stood there, laughing at my reaction.

Despite changing and leaving the cafe before me, she's still here.

"Which way is your house, Tsukasa-kun?"

"I go straight to the right from here."

"Nice, we're going in the same direction. Let's walk home together."


It seems she waited for me.

We started walking side by side.

"You didn't have to wait for me, you know."

"Come on, we just started working together. It's more fun to walk home together."

She pouted playfully.

Despite being older, her childlike expressions are endearing and make it clear why she ranked second in the popularity polls.

"We'll have a lot of shifts together from now on, so let's do our best."

"Yes. Looking forward to it."

"Tsukasa-kun, you're so formal. You can be more relaxed. Just think of me as your big sister."

"Uh, well, that's a bit hard to do..."

I'm still figuring out how to interact with her.

She hasn't appeared at this time in the original story. She didn't know the original Tsukasa Hisamura, as he wasn't working a part-time job in the manga.

So, meeting her before her introduction in the story is because of my decision to start this job.

But my presence here has already changed things- like my relationship with Sei-chan, which wasn't in the manga at all.

Kaori Tojoin and Shiho Fujise have already confessed to Yuuichi.

So, I guess there's no need to worry about the original story too much, and I can just interact with Tobise-san as it comes…

"Tsukasa-kun, you're a second-year in high school, right? The second year is the most fun, don't you think? You're used to high school, and there's no pressure from exams like in the third year."

"Yeah, that's true. There are a lot of events in the second year, too."

"Exactly! We had a school trip in the second year. I think we went to Kyoto or Okinawa. Where will you guys be going?"

Tobise-san chatted happily, her mood buoyant.

In the manga, she was almost always smiling like this, so this must be her usual self.

"By the way, Tsukasa-kun, why did you start a part-time job?"

"I want money."

Which was true- I wanted money to spend when hanging out with Sei-chan. I just didn't mention that the person I wanted to hang out with was my girlfriend.

"I see. It's great that you're earning your own money to have fun."

"Is it? I think it's pretty normal."

"A lot of high school students in their second year would rather have fun without working a part-time job."

"I have a lot of free time since I'm not in any clubs."

"I wasn't in any clubs either. I did part-time jobs just like you."

I didn't know Tobise-san had worked part-time since high school.

Despite having read <Ojojama> thoroughly, she appeared late in the series, so there was little information about her.

That's why it's pretty hard to…

"Why do you work a part-time job, Tobise-san? For spending money too?"

"Well, that's part of it. But mainly because I only have my mom, and there are four of us kids."


"So, I work part-time to help out with expenses. My mom is great at her job, so she manages to support us, but it's a lot."

"I see..."

I had no idea Marino Tobise came from such a background.

"Yeah, so the money I earn goes towards my own spending and helping out my younger siblings. The oldest of them is just 10, so I buy them treats and games."

She smiled warmly as she said this.

Tobise-san really embodies the kind, slightly airheaded older sister character.

I know she has siblings, but I didn't realize she had three younger ones.

That probably explains her big-sister vibe.

"You're amazing, Tobise-san."

"Hehe, you can admire your big sister more, you know?"

"Of course. I respect you for working to support your family."

"Ahaha, I was joking, but being complimented makes me blush."

Compared to Tobise-san, my reason for starting a part-time job seems less noble. Whether spending money on siblings or a lover is purer, I'm not sure.

"Ah, here's my turn. I go this way."

"I go a different way, so I guess this is goodbye for now."

"I wanted to chat with you a bit longer, Tsukasa-kun. But it can't be helped. Let's talk more next time we work together."

"Sure, see you then."


Tobise-san waved and walked in the opposite direction, smiling until the end.

Working with her, huh…? I hope everything goes smoothly.


On Monday, after school, I approached Yuuichi before he went to his club.

"Hey Yuuichi, do you know someone named Marino Tobise?"

"Hmm? No, who is she?"

"She's an older girl, a second-year university student. Are you sure you don't know her?"

"I've never heard of her. Why?"

"...No reason, just checking."

"Alright then. I'm off to my club. Good luck with your job."


So, Yuuichi hasn't met Tobise-san yet.

In the manga, they meet towards the end of summer vacation when Yuuichi helps her out when some guys are harassing her.

...Yuuichi has a knack for rescuing girls from unwanted attention, like how he helped Fujise in middle school. He really is a flag builder, isn't he?

Since they haven't met yet and I've already met her, maybe I don't need to worry about matching the original storyline. I should just let things flow naturally.

With that thought, I left school and headed towards the cafe for my part-time job.

After walking for a while, I heard someone call out from behind.


"Hmm? Ah, Sei-cha- I mean, Shimada."

Sei-chan had caught up with me when I turned around.

"Don't call me- well, never mind…"

"Sorry, I default to the name I'm used to when I have to call you quickly."

We are already pretty far away from school, and there are no other students around.

"I, on the other hand, might end up calling you Hisamura even when we're alone."

"But you're trying to change that, right?"

"...Yeah, Tsukasa."

"...Hearing you call my name in that cool voice really makes my heart race."

"Is calling a girl's voice 'cool' a compliment?"

Of course, it's a huge compliment.

Sei-chan's voice is calm and clear, especially for a high school girl. It's beautiful.

When she's embarrassed, it's cute, and when she calls my name like this, it's cool.

Falling in love just because of her voice wouldn't be surprising. But I love everything about Sei-chan, including her voice.

"I love your voice, Sei-chan. I could listen to it all day."

"...Really? I-I like your voice too, Tsukasa."

"Ugh, hearing that in such a cool voice really makes my heart skip a beat…!"

"Why does it sound like you're taking damage?"

Because your voice can both hurt and heal.

For me, its healing power far outweighs any damage, so there's no problem. In fact, I want to listen to her forever.

"Tsukasa, isn't your house in the other direction? Where are you going?"

"I'm heading to my part-time job after school."

"Ah, that's right. You're working at a cafe, right?"

"Yeah, the manager is nice, and it's a good place to work."

"I see. That's good. Can I come visit sometime?"

"Of course, I'll let the manager know and see if I can get you some special service."

As we chatted and walked, we reached a crossroads.

"See you then, Sei-chan."

"Yeah, see…"

"Huh? Tsukasa-kun?"

A voice called out from behind just as I was about to bid farewell to Sei-chan.

I didn't need to turn around to know who it was, but I did anyway to confirm.

"Ah, it's really you. What a coincidence! Are you heading to work too, Tsukasa-kun?"

Actually, the one who should be surprised is me, Tobise-san.

Her distinctive voice, with that kind and big-sisterly tone, makes her easy to identify.

"It's been a while, Tobise-san. I'm heading to work, too."

"Oh, I see. We're working together again today. You just got out of school, right? Wow, the Tojoin High School uniform brings back memories. I wore it until two years ago."

As she approached, Tobise-san started talking energetically, circling around me to check out my uniform.

Then, she noticed Sei-chan standing nearby.

"Ah, a girl's uniform! Hey, hey, can you show it to onee-san?"

"Eh, ah, okay…?"

"Thanks! It's nice being able to wear casual clothes in university, but uniforms are great, too."

Tobise-san began circling around Sei-chan, admiring her uniform.

"By the way, you're so cute! You wear the uniform really well, and you have an amazing figure. I can't believe such a cute girl is at Tojoin High School now."

I wanted to say, "Right? She's adorable", but that would just make things more confusing.

"...Tsu- ahem, Hisamura, who is this person?"

Sei-chan asked, reverting to calling me by my last name since we were no longer alone.

"This is Marino Tobise-san, my senpai at my part-time job. She's a graduate of Tojoin High School and a second-year university student."

"Nice to meet you. What's your name?"

"Sei Shimada."

"Sei-chan, huh? Oh my, you're beautiful and cute. Nice to meet you!"

"Uh, likewise."

Tobise-san's social skills are impressive. She's so friendly and easy-going. She naturally connects with everyone.

"Tsukasa-kun and Sei-chan, what kind of relationship do you have? Friends? Or maybe lovers?"

Tobise-san asked with sparkling eyes.

I glanced at Sei-chan, unsure if we should reveal our relationship.

She seemed to hesitate but then answered.

"...Hisamura and I are classmates, and we get along well."

She decided not to state that we were dating explicitly.

Her response was truthful. She indicated that we were more than just classmates but did not specify "friends" or "lovers."


"Come on, are you friends or lovers? Which one?"

Tobise-san isn't the type to back off with an ambiguous answer.

"Which is it? Lovers? Come on, tell me. Onee-san won't tell anyone~"

"N-No, we're just classmates."

Sei-chan stammered, clearly flustered. That's rare of her.

"Really? I think Tsukasa-kun is pretty handsome. Don't you want him as your boyfriend?"

"U-Uh, he is handsome, but having a good look isn't all that it takes, right?"

"True, but Tsukasa-kun is really kind too. He helps me out at work whenever I mess up. He's a good guy."

"I-Is that so?"

"I would want him as my boyfriend if I were you."


Sei-chan gave Tobise-san a wary look, almost as if she were sizing up a potential rival.

While I appreciated her reaction, Tobise-san probably didn't mean anything deep by it.

It was likely more of a light-hearted comment like an aunt teasing about a handsome relative.

But without knowing Tobise-san well, Sei-chan's reaction is understandable.

"Please don't tease her too much, Tobise-san."

"Eh, come on, Tsukasa-kun. Don't you think Sei-chan is really cute? Wouldn't you want her as your girlfriend?"

"Of course, I think she's cute, and I would be overjoyed if she were my girlfriend."

Actually, she already is, and I'm incredibly happy.

"Oh my, you're straightforward, Tsukasa-kun."


Tobise-san seemed to be enjoying this, while Sei-chan turned away, clearly embarrassed.

"So what about me? What if you could date me?"

"Going out with Tobise-san? Well, you're beautiful, and you have a great personality. Anyone who could date you would be lucky."

"Ahaha, thank you very much."


Tobise-san continues to enjoy herself, but Sei-chan is giving me a bit of a glare.

No, Sei-chan, it's not what you think. I had no choice but to respond like that in the given situation.

I don't have any intention of dating Tobise-san. I'm entirely devoted to you, Sei-chan.

I tried to convey this with my eyes, but Sei-chan turned her head away, clearly upset.

I hope she understands, though that sulky expression is kind of cute.

"Tsukasa-kun, we need to go, or we'll be late for work."

"It's because you were talking so much, Tobise-san."

"Haha, true. Let's hurry up, Tsukasa-kun."

Tobise-san moved to stand next to me, her usual close proximity intact.

She has no sense of personal space.

Not wanting Sei-chan to get the wrong idea, I subtly stepped a little away from Tobise-san.

"goodbye, Shimada. See you tomorrow."

"Y-Yes, see you tomorrow."

"Bye, Sei-chan! Let's talk again soon!"


Sei-chan looked a bit troubled, but there was no way to address it now.

With a final glance, I walked off with Tobise-san toward our workplace while Sei-chan headed in the opposite direction.

Tobise-san started chatting again on the way to the cafe.

"Hey, Tsukasa-kun, do you like Sei-chan?"

She asked with sparkling eyes, clearly intrigued by the topic of romance.

"...Well, yes, I do."

"As a friend or as a girl?"

"As a girl."

I answered honestly.

Sei-chan wanted to keep our relationship private, but it should be fine to admit I like her.

"I knew it! I knew it! I thought so when I asked you if you would be happy to date me or Sei-chan. You seemed much more excited about dating her!"

"Really? Was it that obvious?"

"Yep! When you talked about Sei-chan, it was like you would be genuinely happy to date her, but it felt more like 'any guy would be happy to date you' when you were talking about me."

I hadn't noticed the difference myself, but it made sense.

This girl, despite her airheadedness, is sharp enough to notice such nuances.

Tobise-san might seem ditzy, but she's clearly not dumb.

I remember she's attending the best university around here.

"Tsukasa-kun, are you planning to confess to Sei-chan?"

Now, how should I answer this?

I've already confessed, and we're dating, but we need to keep that under wraps.

"Well, not right now."

If I told the truth, she would ask about the results and the details, which would complicate things.

"...I see. Well, I think you have a chance."

"And how can you tell?"

"Hehe, it's a girl's intuition."

"...I see."

"You don't believe me? It's actually quite accurate, you know."

Of course, I wasn't doubting her. Her intuition was spot on, after all.

"Let's hurry, or we'll be late for work."

"Oh, right! Let's go!"

We quickened our pace and made our way to the cafe.


We arrived just in time for our shift and started working together.

The manager's wife is also working today. We exchanged quick greetings.

She seems very kind and has a friendly, approachable demeanor.

The couple appears to be in their sixties but are clearly very close.

I hope Sei-chan and I can remain as close and happy as they are.

"Hisamura-kun, it's a weekday, and we don't expect many customers, so how about learning some cooking today?"

"Eh, already?"

"Yes, you picked up the floor work quickly, and with Tobise-san here, we have the floor covered. If you learn to cook, it would really help us out, and we'll increase your pay accordingly."

"Thank you very much."

I never expected to start learning kitchen work on my second day.

Well, I did adapt quickly, thanks to my previous experience working in a cafe, but Tobise-san's presence undoubtedly sped things up.

"Manager, what about me?"

"Tobise-san, can you handle the floor? You're great with customers, so I think that's the best fit."

"Alright! I'm not great at cooking, so it's probably best. Tsukasa-kun, good luck!"

"Thank you."

It seems clear that Tobise-san will be handling the floor while I take on the kitchen duties.

With her people skills, she's perfect for customer service, while my prior experience made me more suited for the kitchen.

The manager seemed to have thought this through, even though anyone could figure it out with a bit of thought…

"Marino-chan, be careful not to spill anything while serving, and take your time."

"Got it! I'll be careful and take it slow."

With Tobise-san learning from the manager's wife and me from the manager, the day proceeded smoothly.

"Alright, and that's how you make a sandwich. You're picking this up quickly, Tsukasa-kun."

"That's because you're teaching it so well, Manager."

"You're quite the charmer, aren't you?"

As we continued, I steadily learned the cooking tasks.

Meanwhile, Tobise-san made fewer mistakes and handled the floor duties well.

"Tsukasa-kun, can you take a sandwich to table four?"

"Sure thing- wait, which kind of sandwich…? There are several."

"Eh? Ah, I forgot…!"

"Aren't orders written down on the tickets?"

"Ah, you're right. Uh, it just says 'sandwich' here."

"...Please go and ask again."


It's understandable. No one becomes perfect overnight.

Learning from mistakes is part of the process.

About an hour into our shift, just as the manager said, we have a steady stream of customers, though fewer than on weekends.

There are always around ten customers in the cafe at any given time.

And then the bell above the door chimed, signaling a new arrival.

Tobise-san immediately responded with a bright smile.


I could see from the kitchen, so I turned in that direction and started to greet the customer, following Tobise-san's lead.

"Welcome- eh?"

My words stopped the moment I saw the person.

It's a girl in a black cap, specifically a newsboy cap.

She wears black skinny pants, a black leather jacket, and a black knit top underneath.

She also has large sunglasses on, making her entire ensemble black and giving off an air of mystery.

Her stylish appearance and striking figure, coupled with the incognito vibe, makes her look like a celebrity trying not to be recognized.

And peeking out from under her hat, unmistakably, is silver hair.

-It's got to be Sei-chan. I don't even need to double-check.

Despite her usual demeanor being completely different, I can tell it's her.

Eh, but why is she here?

More puzzlingly, why is she dressed as if she's hiding her identity?

…Also, man, she's so cool and stylish.


After Sei Shimada parted ways with Tsukasa Hisamura and Marino Tobise, she walked the path back to her house, her thoughts occupied with the recent encounter with Tobise.

"She's such a beautiful lady."

Around Sei, there are many girls with well-proportioned features, like Kaori Tojoin and Shiho Fujise.

Of course, Sei is included in that group, but she believes that Kaori and Shiho are cuter than herself.

It's rare to find someone who can stand alongside those two, but Marino Tobise is one such girl, even though they have just met.

If she were to remain silent, she would appear as a glamorous lady, and her beauty wouldn't be overshadowed even if she stood next to Kaori Tojoin.

However, perhaps because of her personality, she often wears a cheerful smile, exuding an innocent charm similar to Shiho Fujise's.

But there's something else she possessed that the other two lacked- an older woman's allure.

It's difficult to put it into words but to be blunt, she's pretty sexy.


It's not that Sei doesn't trust Tsukasa.

He repeatedly tells her how much he likes her, and Sei knows it to the point of embarrassment.

Still, that didn't mean she could stop worrying.

She trusts him and believes he wouldn't be swayed by another woman, but she couldn't help but feel anxious.

"...Besides, she seems quite close to him, calling him 'Tsukasa-kun' and all."

The way Tobise addressed him is what bothered Sei the most.

When Tobise arrived, Sei had instinctively started calling him "Hisamura" instead of his first name since they were no longer alone.

Tsukasa had caught on and called her "Shimada" in return.

But Tobise, unaware and unconcerned, called him "Tsukasa-kun" and her "Sei-chan".

Sei doesn't mind being called that. She's used to it, thanks to Tsukasa and Shiho.

But hearing Tobise call him "Tsukasa-kun" really bothered her.

(Even I don't call him by his first name in public...!)

This thought made Sei unreasonably irritated.

(Why does Tsukasa let a woman he's just met call him "Tsukasa-kun"? No, that's not it. Tobise-san is probably the type to address everyone that way.)

She sensed a similarity to Shiho in Tobise's demeanor, which made sense.

Shiho also treats everyone equally, which often leads to misunderstandings among many boys.

But those misunderstandings have subsided now that she openly declared her love for Yuuichi Shigemoto.

Judging by how Tobise interacted with Tsukasa, it's likely that many people misunderstood her intentions.

But Tsukasa won't get the wrong idea, right?

Even if he mistakenly thought, "Does Tobise-san like me?" it still shouldn't be an issue since he has Sei.

(But I still can't shake it off, and…)

Besides the worry, Sei felt a slight discomfort when they hid their relationship from Marino Tobise.

Tsukasa and Sei had decided together to keep their relationship a secret.

Sei said that she wanted to treasure this relationship as a secret rather than talk about it to others, and Tsukasa agreed.

So she lied and told Tobise that they were just classmates when she asked whether they were dating.

Sei didn't feel right after saying that.

(I want to keep it a secret, but when I actually tried to do so, it felt unsettling...)

It wasn't the fear of losing Tsukasa but something else entirely.

Sei couldn't quite understand it herself, but she knew she felt uneasy.

Lost in these thoughts, Sei arrived home.

She went to her room, dropped her belongings, and laid down on her bed, clutching a stuffed animal- a habit she has when deep in thought, though she's hardly aware of it.

"...What should I do?"

She doesn't like feeling this way.

She wanted to do something to dispel the anxiety but couldn't think of any specific action to take.

"Sigh, maybe I'll just do some homework."

With nothing else to do, she decided to distract herself with schoolwork.

She sat at her desk and spread out her study materials.

Despite her efforts to focus on her homework, Sei found it hard to concentrate.

Sei couldn't help but be curious about Tsukasa and that woman, Tobise.

(Are those two working at the same part-time job now...?)

She glanced at the clock, noting that it had only been about 30 minutes since she got home.

She doesn't know how long Tsukasa's shift is, but he's probably still working his hardest since it hasn't even been an hour yet.

(Sigh, what am I doing...? I can't focus on my homework. Maybe I should go out for a bit?)

She considered going to Moonbucks as usual to buy a drink.

But then, a thought struck her.

(Why don't I just go to where Tsukasa works…?)

His part-time job is at a regular cafe.

There won't be anything strange about her going there, and she definitely won't be kicked out.

Tsukasa has even said, "You should come by sometime, Sei-chan." It shouldn't be a problem if that "sometime" is now.

It makes sense for her to check things out herself if she's so curious about Tsukasa and Tobise.

(But if I show up at Tsukasa's workplace right after meeting Tobise-san, she'll know I'm dating Tsukasa...)

She had told Tobise that she and Tsukasa were just classmates. It would seem odd that she would show up at the cafe right after parting ways.

Even if she tries to make it look like a coincidence, it might still give her away.

And if Tsukasa asked, "Why are you here all of a sudden?" she wouldn't know how to respond.

(Saying I'm worried about Tobise-san would be...too embarrassing.)

Blushing a little, Sei shook her head to clear the thought.

After considering her options, she decided…

"...I can disguise myself."

Sei has done that a few times before.

When she felt out of place in the shojo manga section but was curious enough to browse, she donned a disguise to avoid being recognized.

Back then, she had worn a skirt and dressed more femininely, thinking it suited the occasion.

But she's just going to a cafe this time, so no need for a skirt.

"...It's fine as long as I make sure no one can tell who I am. I'll just hide my face and wear a hat. I should be okay if I dress in a way Tsukasa hasn't seen before."

The result is an almost entirely black outfit with a newsboy cap and sunglasses.

Sei knows her disguise might be over the top, but anything less and Tsukasa might recognize her.

"Hmm, not bad if I say so myself."

She muttered, nodding at her reflection in the mirror with absolute confidence.

-In reality, she's about to get busted since Tsukasa recognizes her immediately.

"Alright, let's go."

And so, Sei headed to Tsukasa's part-time job at the cafe.


She opened the door to the cafe with a gentle chime.


The girl greeting her was Marino Tobise, whom she had just met.

"...Just one?"


"Got it. This way, please."

Following Tobise, Sei sighed quietly in relief, realizing Tobise didn't recognize her.

(Phew, it looks like the disguise worked. Unlike last time, where I didn't run into anyone I knew, this time, I had to make sure it was convincing. Seems like it did the trick.)

She followed Tobise to her seat, which was at the counter, directly facing the kitchen area.

Tsukasa is standing right there.

(Hmm!? D-Don't tell me he's going to be right in front of me…!?)

Tsukasa is wearing the cafe's uniform, a navy short-sleeved shirt with a black tie.

(...It looks good on him, actually.)

The serious work attire gives him a different vibe from usual, making her heart skip a beat.

"Please have a seat here."

(...Her chest is huge.)

Seeing Tobise's figure up close, it was impossible not to notice.

Sei found her eye-catching even as a girl, not to mention guys.

Feeling a bit uneasy, Sei sat down in front of Tsukasa.

He stared at her, eyes wide.

(D-Don't tell me he knows already. What should I do…?)

Sei, confident in her nearly perfect disguise, didn't expect to be recognized so quickly.

"What's wrong, Tsukasa-kun?"

Tobise asked from behind the counter, noticing Tsukasa's odd behavior.

"N-No, it's nothing."

"Really? If you're feeling unwell, you should tell the manager and take a break."

"I'm really fine. Thank you very much."

Tsukasa seemed a bit off but didn't appear to recognize her, or so Sei thought.

(Good, it looks like Tsukasa hasn't recognized me. I have my hat and sunglasses, after all. That's to be expected.)

Feeling reassured, Sei opened the menu.

She's a bit hungry and decides to order iced cocoa and cheesecake.

(...Should I call him over for the order since he's right in front of me?)

Tobise seems to be taking orders at the tables, but it would be easier for the staff if she ordered directly from Tsukasa.

Sei suddenly stopped the moment she was about to speak up.

(Ah, that was close. He might recognize my voice if I speak normally. Tsukasa said he liked my voice. Maybe I should change it…)

She cleared her throat and addressed Tsukasa in a slightly higher pitch, mimicking Kaori Tojoin's refined manner of speaking.

"Excuse me, may I place an order?"


Tsukasa seems startled, almost choking on his own words.

"Tsu- ahem, are you okay…?"

She almost slipped and called him by name but caught herself just in time.

"Uh…! Y-Yes, I'm okay. What can I get for you?"

His voice was a bit shaky as he turned away, clearly flustered.

(Is he really okay? He's been acting strange. Maybe he's actually sick?)

Despite her concerns, Sei placed her order.

"I would like an iced cocoa and a cheesecake, please."

"U-Understood. Please wait a moment…"

Sei doesn't know if he's really okay, but she can't ask too many questions since she's just a customer.

"Ah, I forgot to bring water! Here you go, ma'am!"

"…Thank you very much."

She accepted the water with a polite nod and took a small sip, glancing at Tobise.

Tobise's cheerful demeanor remains unchanged from their encounter on the street.

After serving Sei her water, Tobise moved on to take orders from other customers, maintaining the same friendly, respectful tone she used with Tsukasa.

It is clear that this is her usual approach, always maintaining a friendly and approachable distance with everyone.

(Shiho is somewhat like that too, but Tobise-san takes it to another level. She's amazing.)

As Sei sipped her water, Tsukasa's voice drew her attention.

"Your iced cocoa and cheesecake, ma'am. Sorry for serving it over the counter."

"Ah, yes. Thank you very much…"


Noticing Tsukasa's slight tremor, Sei decided it would be okay to speak a little more with him.

"Are you alright? You seem to be shaking."

"No, I'm fine. I'm sorry to worry you."

"That's good to hear. Please don't overwork yourself."

"...Yes, thank you. I'm just getting used to things."

Sei isn't sure what he's getting used to, but at least he's not sick.

She continued the conversation.

"Do you work part-time here?"

"Yes, I just started recently."

"Ara, I see. It looks like the other lady is still getting used to things as well?"

"Yes, she started working here a week before I did."

It seems Tsukasa and Tobise have started around the same time.

"That other waitress, she's gorgeous, right? Her smile is wonderful. It feels good just to watch her."

Tobise is chatting happily with a customer right now.

"Yes, I think she's a very nice person."

Tsukasa responded while continuing his work, and Sei kept glancing at him, pretending to watch Tobise.

"Working with such a lady must be very pleasant for a man, right?"

Right after asking, Sei regretted her question.

(W-Was that too sudden? It's weird for a customer to ask something like that, right? I should have been more subtle…)

She worried internally but kept her face neutral, watching Tsukasa's reaction.

He widened his eyes a bit, then smiled slightly before answering.

"Yeah, she's very easy to get along with, and working with her is definitely fun."

"...Is that so?"

Hearing that answer, Sei felt even more unsettled inside than before.

She had purposely brought up Tobise to get Tsukasa to praise her, so it was natural for him to do so.

"But as a guy, whether I'm happy about her is honestly a bit questionable."


Sei couldn't help but exclaim in her natural voice, not her high-pitched one.

Tsukasa seemed to be unaware of this and continued speaking.

"Especially since I have no romantic feelings for Tobise-san, that's her name, by the way. I will never like her as a woman."

"A-Ara, is that so? Why is that?"

"Because I have someone I like already."

Sei, who had regained her composure, was almost thrown off balance again by Tsukasa's words.

Tsukasa smiled at her while drying the washed dishes.

"Sure, Tobise-san might be a beautiful and charming lady, but for me, the girl I like is prettier, cuter, and more charming. So, there's absolutely no way I would be interested in Tobise-san."

"...I-I see. The girl you like must be a very wonderful person then."

"Yes, to me, she is the most attractive and adorable girl in the world."

(You can't just go around saying these embarrassing things, Tsukasa…! You should be glad I'm the one who heard this…!)

In Sei's eyes, Tsukasa doesn't realize the person he's gushing over is exactly her in disguise.

He's just bragging about the girl he likes to someone else.

But for her, hearing such confessions from Tsukasa, who's openly talking about it to others, is too embarrassing.

(Talking about this to others would make us look like a couple of idiots...!)

She feels lucky that he's talking to her.

"Y-You know, mister, it's not good to brag about that to others. I think it's best for you to keep it to yourself. Yep."

"Hehe, understood. Sorry for the inconvenience, my dear guest."

"W-Why are you laughing?"

Sei wanted to ask why Tsukasa was laughing, but he was called away by a man who seemed to be the manager and disappeared from her sight.

"Well then, enjoy, ma'am."

Tsukasa flashed a smile and walked away.

(T-This guy…! Does he give such a nice smile to all the customers? What if some girls get the wrong idea...!?)

With those thoughts running through her mind, Sei began to enjoy her iced cocoa and cheesecake.

The lingering unease in her heart had vanished, allowing her to savor the flavors thoroughly.

(I'm glad I came here. I got to see how Tsukasa works, and even though it was unintended, I heard his feelings. I was a bit worried, but I guess I can trust him.)

After finishing her iced cocoa and cheesecake, Sei stood up and made her way to the register near the entrance.

Tobise's the cashier.

"I would like to pay, please."

"Sure. Did you enjoy everything?"

"Yes, it was very delicious."

"I'm glad to hear that. Please come again, Sei-chan."

"Yes- eh…?"

Sei answered out of reflex before freezing. What did this girl just say?

"Hmm? What's wrong, Sei-chan?"

"E-Eh!? You knew it was me!?"

"Of course! Your outfit is so cool, Sei-chan!"

Tobise smiled brightly, leaving Sei stunned.

"...But, you were speaking formally to me just now."

"Well, I'm a waitress, and you're a customer, right?"

"B-But I didn't give any hints…at all…"

"Really? I knew it was you, so I made sure to seat you in front of Tsukasa-kun."

"Y-You're kidding…"

"I'm not, and I think Tsukasa-kun noticed right away, too."


Sei turned around tremblingly.

Her eyes met with Tsukasa's, who looked incredibly awkward.



"...Sorry, Sei-chan."


Her face turned bright red as she felt tears welling up.


I headed to the park where Sei-chan was waiting after work ended.

She had left a few minutes before I finished my shift, so I hurried to meet her.

Sei-chan had arrived a bit earlier, and when our eyes met, she immediately turned bright red and looked away.

She's clearly still affected by what happened earlier.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Sei-chan."

"...Ah, no, it's fine. You must be tired from work, Tsukasa."

I sat down next to her on the bench. Sei-chan,face still flushed, faced entirely away from me.

Her ears are bright red, which is adorable.

"...Uh, thanks for covering the bill."

"Hmm? Ahh, that? It's no problem at all."

I asked the manager to put the cheesecake and iced cocoa Sei-chan ordered on my tab.

The kind manager even offered me a 50% discount.

"More importantly, Sei-chan, are you okay?"

"Do I look okay to you?"

"Well, you do seem really embarrassed."

“If you know that, then don't say it!"

Her voice shook with frustration, but she still wouldn't look at me.

"When did you notice it was me?"

"...From the moment you walked in, I guess."

"From the very start…!?"

"Sorry, but you were dressed like you didn't want to be recognized, so I thought I would play along."

"Ugh, you're right…"

"And you looked really cool. I mean, you still do right now."

Sei-chan's usual style is already quite cool, but this all-black, mysterious look is new.

She really did look like a celebrity trying to go incognito, complete with the sunglasses and hat.

It made her look so stylish that I found myself falling for her all over again.

"You probably meant it as a compliment, but I don't appreciate it right now..."

"Yeah, well, sorry."

"Don't apologize. Maybe I could have completely hidden my hair under a hat..."

True, Sei-chan's silver hair makes her easy to recognize, but even if her hair were hidden entirely, I would probably still have known it was her.

"...Aren't you going to ask why I came?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I mean, aren't you going to ask why I went to the trouble of disguising myself and coming to the cafe?"

Ah, I guess I hadn't really asked about that.

But the reason seemed pretty clear from our conversation at the cafe.

"You were worried about her, right? About Tobise-san."


I don't think I'm being overly self-conscious, but Sei-chan must have felt anxious about my relationship with Tobise-san.

As she mentioned in the cafe, Tobise-san is always smiling, bright, and a wonderful person.

She quickly became a fan favorite in the manga upon her appearance.

...It still irks me a bit that Sei-chan lost to her in popularity.

Anyway, Sei-chan seemed worried that I might develop feelings for Tobise-san.

"Sei-cha—ahem, my dear guest, I told you there's no way I would ever be interested in Tobise-san as a woman back in the cafe already, so please rest assured."

"Y-You don't need to talk like a waiter now that you know it was me!"

"You can talk like you did at the cafe, too, you know? I could tell right away who you were trying to imitate..."

It was hilarious when Sei-chan raised her voice a little and spoke in that aristocratic manner.

The only person she could have been imitating was Tojoin-san.

"Uwah! Don't laugh! It's incredibly embarrassing! Don't make it worse!"

Sei-chan, her eyes welling up with tears, grabbed my shoulders and started shaking me.

Now that she's finally facing me, I can see her face is still bright red.

"Sorry, sorry. I just felt like I got to see a new side of you, Sei-chan."

"Damn. I wish I hadn't bothered to disguise myself..."

I wanted to tease her a bit more because she's so cute, but it's probably best to stop before she gets really upset.

"I think you saw how Tobise-san interacts with people at the cafe. She's the kind of person who's naturally close to everyone, so you don't need to worry."

"...Yeah, I saw that. Shiho is like that too, but Tobise-san is even more so. I can see how a lot of guys might get the wrong idea."


In the manga from my previous life, she did have guys who misunderstood and came to her.

It was during one of those times that Yuuichi helped her out and made her look like a heroine.

"But I know her personality well, and I won't misunderstand. The only person I love is you, Sei-chan."

"I-I understand that well enough. But please don't talk about us to the cafe customers. It's embarrassing..."

"I only said those things because I knew it was you. I wouldn't have said anything like that otherwise."

"If that's the case, then fine…"

I said those things to reassure Sei-chan.

It's my true feelings, and even if others asked about the person I love, I would say, "She's the most charming, cute, and beautiful person in the world."

"Hey, Tsukasa-kun! Sei-chan!"

Hearing that voice, I looked toward the park entrance and saw Tobise-san waving energetically.

"Good work today, Tobise-san."

"Yeah, you too. Thanks for coming to the cafe, Sei-chan."

"N-No, I was just..."

"Sei-chan, your outfit today is really cool! Do you usually dress like that?"

"N-No! It's just for today, and I probably won't wear it again..."

"Eh, really? But it looks so good on you."

Sei-chan probably doesn't want to wear this outfit again because it reminds her of today's events.

But I think it looks great on her. I hope she wears it again.

"Did you come to the café today to see Tsukasa-kun working?"

"Eh? Ah, well, that's right."

"I knew it! So, how was he? Isn't he pretty handsome?"

"W-Well, I'm glad he's working hard and doing well…"

"So you don't think he's cool? I think he looks really manly when he's cooking. It's impressive."

Tobise-san glanced at me repeatedly as she said that.

Tobise-san might be trying to help get us together because she doesn't know that Sei-chan and I are already dating.

I appreciate her intentions, but it's having the opposite effect…

Sei-chan is glaring at Tobise-san with a look that says, "See? You do like Tsukasa!"

Tobise-san seems oblivious.

"Tsukasa-kun helped me with my mistakes today, too."

"That's just part of the job."

"Yeah, but you're so cool. If you were single, I would want to date you."

...Hmm? Something about that sounded off.

Tobise-san moved closer to me again before I could figure it out.

"Looking forward to the next shift, Tsukasa-kun."

She smiled as she said it, but the distance between us felt too close.

Just as I was about to take a step back, Sei-chan suddenly stepped in between us.

I was startled by her sudden movement, but Sei-chan was staring at Tobise-san.

"What's wrong, Sei-chan?"

"Please…don't get too close to Tsukasa-kun."

She said this while keeping me behind her, moving away from Tobise-san.

Wait, did she just say my first name in front of someone else...?

"Hmm, why not?"

"B-Because…he's my boyfriend!"

S-Sei-chan called me her boyfriend!

I'm thrilled and touched, but I never expected her to say this to Tobise-san.

I was okay with revealing our relationship if Sei-chan was, but...could she be jealous?

"I understand that you're is naturally close to others, Tobise-san, but please, don't get too close to my boyfriend."

Sei-chan spoke boldly, but her profile from behind showed a bright red face.

She's embarrassed, but she still said it.

"...Hehe, I see! Got it. Sorry about that, Sei-chan."

"I-It's okay, as long as you understand. I'm sorry too..."

"No, no, it's my fault. I was teasing you two even though I knew you were together."


Sei-chan's eyes widened in surprise at Tobise-san's words.

I was also a bit taken aback, but it made sense now.

"If Tsukasa-kun is single."

She must have known I was already in a relationship.

I had told her I liked someone, but she somehow figured out I was actually dating Sei-chan.

Sei-chan turned to me.

"Tsukasa, did you tell her?"

"No, I didn't."

"Then how did she...?"

"I didn't ask Tsukasa-kun. I could just tell from watching you two."

Considering Sei-chan's disguise earlier, it wasn't hard to understand why she might have guessed.

"Sei-chan is so cute! You got jealous and declared yourself as Tsukasa-kun's girlfriend, didn't you? Ah, such teenage romance!"


"Don't worry, Sei-chan. Tsukasa-kun is cool, but I'm not planning to steal him from you. Even if I did like him, I don't think I could take him away from you."

Tobise-san smiled warmly, enjoying the situation.

Meanwhile, Sei-chan glared at her with flaring cheeks.

"...Ugh, d-did you tease us just for that?"

"Yeah, sorry! But I don't regret it because I got to see a cute side of you, Sei-chan!"

Tobise-san said that with a radiant smile.

"Grr…! I-I understand now, Tobise-san. I don't like you."

"Ehehe, but I love you!"

"D-Don't cling to me! Why are you suddenly hugging me!?"

"Because you're so cute, Sei-chan!"

"Let's hug Sei-chan together, Tsukasa-kun!"

"What is this girl even talking about!?"

Sei-chan, already overwhelmed, forgot her manners to an older person as she struggled with Tobise-san.

These two have a similar dynamic like in the original story.

Tobise-san, with her playful and elusive nature, teases Sei-chan, who reacts cutely, leading to more teasing.

Despite meeting under entirely different circumstances, their relationship remains almost the same.

Well, they don't seem to have bad chemistry.

I couldn't help but smile watching the two interact almost exactly like in the manga.

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