Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Too Many Losing Heroines! V6 Special Intermissions 2 - 6

Translator: Pingas
Editor: Suu

Taiwan Release Specials

Intermission: Why Not Just Give Up?

I was bored and had nothing to do at my relatives' house in Nagoya, so I strolled around and visited nearby bookstores.

Today, the third bookstore I visited is Sanyodo Bookstore's Shinkaibashi branch, which is a 10-minute walk from Nagoya Railroad Jingu-mae Station.

This is a large bookstore with three full floors of sales areas, offering not only books but also games, miscellaneous goods, and more.

"I really want to live here..."

Standing in front of the glass display case in the collectible card section, I couldn't help but mutter to myself.

A voice called out from behind me as I counted the prices of the cards featuring beautiful girl characters.

"So you are here, Nukumizu-kun."

Turning around, I saw Koto Tsukinoki, a third-year student from the Literature Club, standing behind me.

She stood next to me after we exchanged a brief greeting.

"I suddenly remembered that you would be in Nagoya this weekend. Sorry for calling you out so abruptly."

"I'm just wandering around bookstores anyway. By the way, why are you in Nagoya, senpai?"

"I'm here to check out the university exam site. Do you play card games, Nukumizu-kun?"

Senpai looked at the glass display case with great interest.

"I asked my parents to buy me a starter pack when I was a kid. But I didn't have any friends, so I never played."


Shit, the mood immediately soured.

Senpai quickly forced a cheerful tone.

"Well, in that case, I'll buy a card of my favorite character, too. Although I play mobile games, having a physical card feels different."

"Ah, I understand that feeling. But, senpai, are you okay with your university exam preparations while still playing mobile games?"

"Let me ask you this instead. Do you think someone who still plays would be okay?"


Silence fell between us again.

"Well, exams will somehow work out. Even if the pass rate is only 10%, if you take it ten times, you'll pass one, right?"

"Doesn't that mean that among a group of people with similar grades, 10% will pass? Are you confident you can be in the top 10%, senpai?"

"I think I have a chance no matter how many me there are. It's no big deal."

I see. That's one way to think of it.

But standing here, I think Tsukinoki-senpai is probably one of those who would fail…

"Then just relax and play as much as you want. Whether it's mobile games or cards, enjoy them to the fullest. Yeah, that's the best."

"Wait a minute, Nukumizu-kun, did you just give up on me?"

"Don't worry, life is long. Graduating with us might not be so bad either."

Tsukinoki-senpai was silent for quite a while, then murmured seriously.

"Are there any reference books here?"

"On the third floor. Shall we go together?"

Life is long. But this moment exists only in the present.

…Whether buying cards or studying hard, it can only be done now.

*This time's bookstore: Sanyodo Bookstore Shinkaibashi branch

Books, games, and collectible cards are sold here. It's a large store with a rental section as well.

It's a temple of entertainment that thoroughly stimulates our material desires. It even has a multi-story parking lot.

Intermission: The Melancholy Sunday of Yuuko Yakishio (3X years old)

*The following short story contains spoilers. Please read it after the main story.

One sunny Sunday morning.

Yuuko Yakishio, a professional housewife, is washing dishes in the kitchen.

She listened to a lifestyle show on TV, on which a celebrity seemed to be interviewing people at a morning market.

...Her hands paused in the middle of washing the dishes.

Even though it's a holiday, her husband has left for work right after breakfast.

"Mom, I'm going to the library."

"Okay, be careful on the road. Watch out for cars."

Her younger daughter, who would be starting middle school soon, had also left early in the morning.

She would be back at noon for lunch and then head out again.

Yuuko is perfectly satisfied with her current life.

She has a good relationship with her husband, and both of her daughters are growing up healthy and strong.

However, recently, she has started to feel a bit bored with the monotony of everyday life.

"Hey, Mama! What should I do? I don't have any clothes to wear out!"

Suddenly, her older daughter, Remon, burst into the living room.

Remon's dressed in a simple hoodie and jeans.

"Ara, but that outfit looks great on you! It suits you well."

"No, it's not right. I want to dress more girly- ah, I'll borrow Nagi's clothes!"

"Wait a minute, you can't wear elementary school clothes no matter what. Do you want to go shopping with Mama?"

"There's no time for that. I'm about to go on a date..."

Remon cut herself off mid-sentence.

...Her high school daughter is going on a date.

Seeing this fresh reaction made Yuuko's heart flutter.

The bittersweet feelings she has left behind in the distant past are now alive in her daughter's heart.

"I see. Then you should dress as cute as possible."

"Even though it's a date, it's not that kind of date! It's just with a regular friend, and there are some reasons!"

"Okay, okay, Mama understands. When I was around your age-"

"What happened back then?"


Yuuko smiled sweetly in silence upon hearing her daughter's question.

"Mama will lend you some clothes. Come over here."

"But what happened in the past?"


"Hey, Mama?"

Sometimes, adults choose silence.

Remaining silent, Yuuko led her daughter to the room and opened the wardrobe.

"How about this? Even though it's still February, today is warm, so something with a hint of spring would be nice. Try this on."

Yuuko handed her a mini skirt and a long-sleeved knit sweater. Remon accepted them with a surprised expression.

"I didn't know you have clothes like this, Mama. I've never seen you wear them."

"...That's right. I haven't worn them in front of you, Remon."

Remon observed the clothes hanging in the wardrobe.

"Oh, Mama, you used to wear clothes that show your tummy? What's in this box?"

Yuuko immediately grabbed her hand.

"That's nothing. Now, try these on first to see if they fit."

"Huh? But that box-"

"Remon- that's nothing, really."

Remon shrank back at Yuko's smile.

Perhaps sensing something, Remon nodded obediently.

Some things must not be touched- even between parent and child.

This is a typical Sunday in the Yakishio household.

Intermission: Treasuring Your Beautiful Memories

*The following short story contains spoilers. Please read it after the main story.

One afternoon after school, Komari stood up to leave following the White Day tea party.

"W-Well, I'm heading out. N-Nukumizu, make sure to deliver those to Y-Yakishio's house."

"Yeah, leave it to me. I'm a man who gets serious when it counts."

Komari, likely seeing through my bravado, snorted and walked out of the clubroom.

…Asking me to go to a girl's house alone is way too much.

While I was sulking by myself, Yanami, who was holding a round cookie tin, suddenly muttered while peering inside.

"…It's gone."

"You ate all of them? Seriously?"

This cookie tin is at least 30 cm in diameter, you know?

Yanami shot me a reproachful look as I backed away in disbelief.

"No, the bottom layer of this cookie tin is empty. Isn't that unfair?"

"There's got to be a limit to how empty a tin can be, right…?"

According to Yanami's complaint, the tin is divided into upper and lower layers, and the lower layer is supposed to be filled with cookies as well. However, after eating the top layer and removing the divider, she found the bottom half empty.

"Should we file a complaint with the manufacturer? Or contact some kind of minister?"

Stop joking. Ministers aren't sitting around doing nothing.

I noticed something upon inspecting the empty cookie tin.

"Are you sure the bottom layer is always empty? There are quite a few cookie crumbs inside."

"Someone at the factory must have eaten it. The bottom layer was chocolate-flavored, and I was really looking forward to it-"

Yanami tilted her head mid-sentence.

"Come to think of it, I dreamt about eating chocolate cookies last night. Was that a premonition dream…?"

We've found the culprit. Also, that's not what a premonition dream means.

"So, you must've eaten the cookies while you were half-asleep?"

"That seems to be the case. There's no problem then."

Is that really not a problem?

I thought she might reflect a little, but Yanami looked relieved and picked up the now-empty tin.

"The tin is so pretty. It's hard to throw it away. Did you ever use cookie tins to store things when you were a kid?"

"Now that I think about it, I used to collect used stamps and store them in tins when I was young."

"What's the point of collecting stamps? Are they for eating?"

I'm pretty sure she could eat them, but there's no need to say that.

"Collecting stamps is a common hobby. My dad would bring used foreign stamps from work, and I treated them like treasures."

"…My dad used to bring leftover small steel balls from pachinko to exchange for snacks for me." [TL: It's kind of like a vertical pinball machine. You get small steel balls for winning, and then you exchange prizes with those.]

What are you even talking about?

"...Uh, what does your fond childhood memory have to do with pachinko?"

"The snacks from pachinko parlors often aren't sold in stores. When I was little, I collected those wrappers and stored them in cookie tins."

"Uh, well, is that so…?"

"Some of them weren't in Japanese either, so it's kind of like collecting foreign stamps, right?"

"Yeah, I guess, yep…"

That's all I could say. Despite my kind words, Yanami looked at me with a displeased expression for some reason.

"…Why do you look like you're pitying me?"

"I'm not. Look, I've got some candy in my pocket. Want some?"

"Nukumizu-kun, do you think you can smooth things over by giving me candy? Or am I overthinking it?"

That's exactly what I'm thinking.

Though I thought that, I didn't say it out loud. After taking out the candy, Yanami unhappily accepted it-

"Pineapple flavor! Did you ever string these together to make a necklace when you were young?"

I didn't.

But if Yanami's happy, that's all that matters. It's less troublesome that way.

Watching Yanami happily pop the candy into her mouth, I couldn't help but think…

Someday, even these days will become fond memories- right? I sure hope so.

Intermission: Special Care Depending on the Reason

*The following short story contains spoilers. Please read it after the main story. 


On the night of the training camp for Kazuhiko Nukumizu. 

Teiara Basori and Yumeko Shikiya are present in their pajamas in Hibari Hokobaru's room.

"...Shikiya-senpai, what is the meaning of this?"

Teiara asked. In front of her was a bed and a set of bedding.

"...Too many people, not…enough…blankets…"

"There's only one bedding, but we have two pillows."

"Would you...lend me your arm to lie on...?"

"I won't- wait, senpai, are you suggesting we share the same bed!?"

Teiara exclaimed, seeing Shikiya's revealing neckline, and quickly averted her gaze as Shikiya weakly leaned towards her.

"It's…very cold…at night…"

"Then why don't you just wear more clothes!?"

"I'm wearing…something, by…the way, it's like this…underneath…"

"No need to show me! Senpai, please use this bedding by yourself. I'll sleep in another room."

Hugging a pillow to her chest, Teiara pulled the sliding door open.

Hokobaru stood behind the door with a set of bedding.

"Sorry for the wait. I brought another set of bedding."

"Huh? Weren't there not enough blankets...?"

"That's impossible. We have enough blankets at home to accommodate a baseball team. There's no need to worry."

Placing the blanket on the floor, Hokobara showed a somewhat proud expression.

Teiara stared at Shikiya intently.

"Shikiya-senpai, didn't you say there weren't enough blankets…?"

"Because...being alone...is lonely..."

Seeing the two of them, Hokobara seemed to understand and nodded deeply.

"Ah, I see. I was being insensitive."

"...What? Prez, what does that mean?"

"No need to spell it out. You two- are in that kind of relationship."

"We're not!"

"Don't worry, I respect your preferences. I'll sleep in another room, and you can use the bed and blankets freely."

"How are we supposed to use them!? Uh, I mean for sleeping, yes!"

"It's best to…accept graciously, Teiara-chan…?"

"I won't!"

"No need to be reserved, Basori-kun. I'll sleep in my parents' room. You two have a good rest."

"Thank you. It…will be a long night…"

"It won't be long! I'll sleep in another room. Don't worry!"

Teiara reached out to pick up the blanket, but Hokobaru stopped her with a gesture.

"Even if you say that, the other rooms haven't been cleaned. People might walk through the living room, and Hiroto and Nukumizu-kun are in the guest room already…"

Teiara steeled herself and faced Hokobaru as the latter pondered.

"T-Then I'll sleep in Nukumizu-san and Sakurai-kun's room!"

For a moment, time seemed to stand still.

"You're a young girl. You can't sleep in the same room as boys."

"But something serious might happen if those two are left alone!"

"Oh, what kind of serious thing?"

"Eh!? I mean, uh…"

"What…serious thing will happen, Teiara-chan…?"

Shikiya's slender arm wrapped around Teiara's shoulders as she was at a loss for words.

"Let me…teach you then…"

"Eh!? I don't need your guidance, senpai-"

Hokobaru, still looking puzzled, nodded solemnly.

"I don't quite understand, but Shikiya seems to know a lot. Can I leave it to you?"

"...Yes, I'm very…good at this. Can you…watch over us…from there?"

"Eh!? With Prez watching- eh!? Eh!?"

Shikiya extended her arm and pulled the string of the fluorescent light.

With a click, the weak glow of the nightlight enveloped the room-

Intermission: Wholesome & Healthy

Seibunkan Bookstore, 3/F, Manga Section.

I stood in front of the new arrivals section and took a deep breath.

Indeed, today is the release day of <The Love Story That Began with Getting Stepped on: Barefoot Limited Edition>.

Please don't be misled by the title. It's a wholesome love story. Trust me. There's no restricted content label on the book, either.

Alright, let's buy it quickly while no one's around. I reached out my hand-

"Onii-sama, are you here to buy something?"


I hastily grabbed a different manga next to it.

"Kaju!? What are you doing here?"

"I came to find some reference books and decided to browse the bookstore. Onii-sama, that book you're holding..."

Kaju looked at the manga in my hand.

"Oh, uh, this is a vanilla-"


The title of the manga I'm holding is <Lose Weight by Reading Manga! Slim Down with Reading>.

…The hell is this?

Kaju tilted her head in confusion.

"Onii-sama, you don't need to lose weight, do you?"

"Uh, well, I was thinking of giving it to a friend…"

"Oh, but Kaju believes that a balanced diet and exercise are the best ways to lose weight."

I think so too, but there's a certain monster in the Literature Club who doesn't follow those rules.

But, if I bought this book for Yanami, it might at least serve as a topic for her summer research project...?

As I was debating whether to buy the weight loss manga-

"I hope Yanami-senpai will be happy."

"Yeah, based on her weight loss cycle, she should be interested-"

I couldn't help but glance at Kaju.

"How did you know it was Yanami?"

"Women's intuition."

I see. Women's intuition is incredible.

"...If you want to help Yanami-senpai lose weight, why don't you let Kaju manage her diet?"

"Eh? You're going to cook for her?"

Kaju nodded.

"Yes. A special menu that emphasizes calories, taste, nutrition- and, most importantly, portion size and satiety. Kaju will prepare three meals a day for her."

"No, you don't need to go that far."

Kaju shook her head.

"Listen, onii-sama. If this weight loss is successful-"

"...What will happen?"

Lowering her voice, Kaju continued in a tone only I could hear.

"Yanami-senpai will probably never be able to leave onii-sama's side."

"Watch your words."

…So, if Kaju's cooking satisfies her appetite while maintaining her figure, Yanami won't be able to leave the Nukumizu household.

They say the way to a person's heart is through their stomach, but this sounds more like an evil plan.

…Ohh, so that means Yanami…will be hanging around us…forever?

I gently put the book back on the shelf.

"Onii-sama, aren't you going to buy the weight loss manga?"

"Yeah, never mind. Let's just go home today."

"Alright. But don't forget this."

Kaju handed me <The Love Story That Began with Getting Stepped on: Barefoot Limited Edition>.

"Eh!? No, uh, I'm not interested in that kind of thing-"

"Ara, onii-sama, but you've been looking up information about this book every day recently. It's even listed in your notebook's shopping plan."

Kaju stared directly at the cover of the book, smiling sweetly.

"Kaju...will do her best."


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