Nukumizu-kun and the gang have successfully moved up to the second year, marking the beginning of a new chapter in their school lives.
With the addition of a cute new club member, the Literature Club is livelier than ever. Please look forward to what's in store for them!
Once again, I must extend my deepest apologies to Imigimuru-sensei and my editor, Iwassa-shi. (This is an ongoing situation, by the way.)
…If only I could have gotten the manuscript done more promptly. I deeply regret that.
I believe the anime will be aired already by the time this volume is released.
To see a story born from 20,000-yen and a used laptop reach audiences around the world, thanks to the incredible talents of top-tier creators and the support of readers like you, is beyond words.
And I'm still using the same laptop to write my manuscripts, by the way.
It seems "Made in Japan" is still king, huh?
Although I participated in the anime script meetings remotely, I'm certain I must have been a bit of a nuisance- being an amateur among a group of seasoned professionals.
Yet, despite that, they listened to me patiently and showed the utmost respect for the original work.
I can't thank the entire team enough for creating such a divine anime while also dealing with this clumsy author.
…And I have a confession to make.
I was a huge fan of a certain rom-com manga that was brilliantly adapted into an anime before winning the award.
While watching that anime, I dreamed, "Wouldn't it be amazing if these people could bring my work to life someday…" Little did I know the team responsible for that beloved anime was the same team that brought my own work to life.
You might think, "Could such a thing really happen?" Well, it did.
I'm convinced that I must have defeated a demon king or something in my past life for this to happen. Surely, people are saying, "That's exactly what Amamori would have done."
I've used up all my world-saving karma, so I'll have no regrets if I'm reborn as a water flea in my next life.
Even after the anime ends, there will be BD releases and events to look forward to.
Indeed, the time has come to use this phrase:
The fun has just begun!
Extra: Alike Minds Don't Mix
Asami Gondou, a third-year student at Momozono Middle School.
She found herself spending her weekend at the Machinaka Library near Toyohashi Station.
As a student preparing for high school entrance exams, she had planned a study session with a friend who shared the same goal, but the two had already relocated to the cafe on the lower floor. Her friend, Kaju Nukumizu, had been sighing so much that studying seemed out of the question.
"Nuku-chan, did something happen with your brother?"
As Asami, affectionately known as "Gon-chan", brought up the topic, Kaju's eyes widened in surprise.
"Wow! How did you know it was about onii-sama, Gon-chan?"
Gon-chan responded with a smile, pouring some herbal tea into a cup.
The herbs used in the tea are grown in the rooftop garden of the library, and it has become one of her recent favorites.
"I don't know what happened, but why don't you tell me?"
"Well, you see, a new member just joined the Literature Club that onii-sama is in."
Kaju sipped her orange juice through a straw.
"That's great, right? Didn't you say no one was coming to check out the club recently?"
"Yeah, I'm delighted someone joined, honestly. But, but that person..."
Kaju let out a long, deep sigh.
"-isn't a great fit for onii-sama."
Gon-chan paused, her hand hovering over the herbal tea cup.
They were supposed to be talking about the new club member, so why did Kaju suddenly bring up her brother's partner?
"Is that person dating your brother?"
"They aren't dating!"
Kaju shot to her feet, the sudden motion causing a loud clatter. Noticing the curious glances from the other patrons, she awkwardly sat back down.
"...Kaju wouldn't oppose onii-sama finding a wonderful partner, you know? Kaju would actually support it."
"So, you would be okay if your brother dated someone else in the club?"
Kaju smiled and nodded.
"Of course! Kaju would be happy for them. Yakishio-san is bright and beautiful, Komari-san is smart and is good at taking care of housework, and Yanami-san enjoys her food with such enthusiasm."
Gon-chan tilted her head slightly as she inhaled the herbal tea's fragrance.
"Then why is this new member not okay?"
"It's just that…"
Kaju gripped her glass with both hands, slowly shaking her head.
"That person's role is…overlapping with Kaju's."
Overlapping? It's not a concept Gon-chan hears often in real life, so she took a sip of her herbal tea to calm her thoughts.
"...I see. She's…overlapping, huh?"
That was all she could manage to say, but Kaju nodded vigorously as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
"Onii-sama already has Kaju, right?"
"He does?"
"He does."
Kaju cleared her throat dramatically.
"You wouldn't buy another bed if you already have one in your room, would you? There's no need for her to exist if he has Kaju."
"But you're his little sister, and she's his kouhai. So, it's okay if you two overlap, right?"
Kaju pouted in protest.
"Gon-chan, that's not the point. What Kaju is saying is, if he's okay with her, then he might as well be okay with Kaju-"
"Nuku-chan! Here, say ahh!"
This needed to stop before it went any further.
Gon-chan quickly scooped a spoonful of milk pudding and fed it to Kaju.
"Is it tasty?"
"It's delicious! They use a different kind of milk, right?"
"Maybe you should make some for your dear onii-sama next time."
"Yeah, Kaju will give it a try. Let's buy the ingredients."
Kaju stood up and headed toward the register. As Gon-chan watched her go, she let out a small sigh of relief.
They say that similar people tend to clash.
But if they could get past that, they might actually get along better than anyone expected, or so she hoped…
As Gon-chan inhaled the aroma of her second cup of herbal tea, her thoughts drifted to the new member of the Literature Club, whom she had yet to meet.