Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Since I've Entered the World of Romantic Comedy Manga, I'll Do My Best to Make the Losing Heroine Happy V3 Chapter 3 Part 1

Chapter 3: Fireworks Festival, Changing Feelings

Translator: Pingas
Editor: Suu


It's been two weeks since Sei-chan came to my house, had a study session, and had dinner with Rie.

That day, I immediately ate the gyoza they had made together after walking Sei-chan home.

It was delicious and perfect. I wish they could make it every day.

"Phew, the exams are finally over."

Yuuichi Shigemoto sighed in relief after the last of the finals.

The last few days had been hectic because of the exams, but today marked the end of all the tests.

Yuuichi isn't particularly good at studying, so it must have been tough for him.

"Yes, club activities can start again today!"

"Good for you, Yuuichi. Do you think you did well on the exams?"

"Of course. I'm pretty sure I can't go to my clubs once the results come out."

"So you're already certain you'll be taking retests?"

Didn't this guy study with Tojoin-san and Fujise?

Not that I can say much since I'm not a stellar student myself, but at least I don't get so close to failing that I need to take retests.

"Yuuichi? Are you really in danger of failing any subjects?"

Tojoin-san came to our classroom after school.

Fujise and Sei-chan are around Yuuichi and me.

"Ah, Kaori, thanks a lot! Thanks to you, I'll only have to retake my weakest subjects instead of all of them!"

"...Well, glad to hear that."

"You too, Fujise! Thanks for saving me!"

"Yeah, I'm glad I could help."

Tojoin-san let out an exasperated sigh while Fujise gave a wry smile.

It seemed that even with their combined efforts, Yuuichi's studies left much to be desired.

"Well, it's fine. Yuuichi, you better keep your promise,"

"I know, I know. Thanks for helping me study. I'll go to the fireworks festival with you."

"Tojoin-san, I'll be coming too, okay? I might not be as good at studying as you, but I did my part to help Shigemoto-kun as well."

"Very well. Without you, he probably would have failed all his subjects again. So, I'll allow you to come along."

"You don't have to act so superior about it, but thanks anyway!"

As usual, the two of them are at odds over Yuuichi.

"Well, I'm off to basketball practice. See you later!"

Yuuichi said, grabbing his things and sprinting off to practice at full speed.

Whether he noticed the tension between the two girls or not, Yuuichi seemed more interested in heading off to do what he loved most. Quite typical of him.

Some of the other guys in the class muttered enviously.

"That guy's going to the fireworks festival with both of them..."

With Yuuichi gone, Tojoin-san bid us farewell with a polite "good day" and left the classroom.

"Ah, Sei-chan, I'm going to the fireworks festival with Tojoin-san and Shigemoto-kun, so I won't be able to go with you this year. Sorry."

"Hmm? We didn't make any plans to go together this year, did we?"

"Yeah, we didn't, but we've always gone together every year. But this year..."

Fujise trailed off, glancing at me before continuing with a teasing smile.

"Hehe, are you planning to go with someone else this year, Sei-chan?"

"Huh!? T-That's…!"

Sei-chan glanced at me before starting to speak quietly with Fujise so that our classmates wouldn't overhear.

"Shiho, you understand, right?"

"Of course, you're going with Hisamura-kun, aren't you?"

"Y-Yeah, but this time, we're going with his little sister, Rie, too."

"Eh, with Rie-chan? I see."

They had met during the cooking class we had earlier.

"Considering your future with Hisamura-kun, I guess it makes sense to get along with his little sister first."

"That's not why I'm getting along with Rie, okay?"

I wasn't sure what she meant exactly, but I'm glad Sei-chan and Rie are getting along.

It would be a problem if Rie actually fell for Sei-chan, though.

The three of us are going to the fireworks festival tomorrow.

While I'm excited, I have a lingering sense of unease or, rather, a concern.

I'm gradually forgetting my knowledge of the original story of <Ojojama>.

I've loved this manga and had read it multiple times before entering this world.

I was supposed to remember the story inside out. There's definitely a fireworks festival arc.

But I couldn't recall the details.

I vaguely remember that Yuuichi and Tojoin-san went to the fireworks festival together in the original.

Fujise had gone with Sei-chan, and they had randomly met up at the festival.

Beyond that, my memory was blank.

It has been about two months since I entered this world, and my memory isn't so bad that I would forget the plot in such a short time. I had reread it so many times that I should remember everything.

The fact that I can't recall it now suggests that I may be gradually forgetting the original story.

I have no idea why this is happening. I don't even know why I'm here, after all.

Given the strange circumstances, it isn't surprising that bizarre things keep happening. It was already weird enough that I was in this world.

But losing my memory of the story is a little sad. I really like this manga.

"Tsukasa? What's wrong?"


I had been deep in thought and hadn't noticed Sei-chan looking at me with concern. She's peering into my face worriedly.

Fujise and the rest of the classmates are gone already.

"Sorry, I was just thinking about something."

"...I see. Did something happen?"

"Hmm? No, nothing in particular."

"If you say so, but you looked a bit lonely."

No way, Sei-chan noticed that.

Was my expression really that obvious?

"I'm here to listen if something's bothering you. Are you sure you're okay?"

Sei-chan's so kind and always ready to listen.

But this isn't something I can talk about.

Besides, it's not a serious problem.

Sure, it's sad to forget the manga's storyline, but I've been experiencing so many wonderful, happy things lately.

Of course, the happiest thing is being in this manga world and dating Sei-chan.

Compared to that joy, the sadness of forgetting the original story is almost nothing.

"I'm okay. I was just thinking about how delighted I am to be dating you, and I worried that this might all be a dream."

"Really? Are you just saying that to cover something up...?"

Sei-chan blushed slightly but still looked concerned.

I'm not telling the whole truth, but my summary of the problem is accurate enough.

"Dating you is like a dream come true for me."

"...I can't tell if you're serious or joking sometimes."

"I'm definitely serious."

In the real world, Sei-chan is a manga character.

I've always loved her character deeply, but I never thought I would actually get to date her.

Dating a manga character isn't exactly the most realistic thing most people imagine.

"You really say the most embarrassing things..."

"I'm just being honest. Being with you makes me incredibly happy."

"Stop. Let's go home already."

"Hehe, you're right."

Sei-chan and I left the classroom together and headed to the shoe lockers.

"Sei-chan, I'm looking forward to the fireworks festival tomorrow."

"Yeah, me too. I'm also looking forward to spending time with Rie."

We chatted about the festival as we walked home.

Despite my excitement, a bit of anxiety still lingered in the back of my mind.

I can't remember the original storyline, so I have no idea what might happen.

If it was just a regular fireworks festival, I doubt anything significant would occur.

However, in the manga's story, something important was supposed to happen during the festival, even though I can't recall what.

This nagging feeling is really bothering me.

It's just a plain rom-com, so there shouldn't be any dangerous events.

I think everything will be fine, but I'm still a little worried.


And then, the next day.

I still can't remember the manga's storyline, even when the festival is already here.

The fireworks start at 8 PM, and we're supposed to arrive early to check out the stalls.

We agreed to meet at 6 PM at the venue, but Rie left the house alone much earlier.

Rie said she wanted to meet Sei-chan first before heading to the meeting spot. I wanted to go with her as well, but…

"Absolutely not. Onii-chan, you need to go to the meeting spot alone and arrive a little early."

So, here I am, waiting by myself.

It feels a bit lonely like I've been left out.

I arrived more than ten minutes early, as Rie ordered. I wonder when they'll get here.

As I was staring absentmindedly at the passing people…

"Onii-chan, sorry to keep you waiting."

I turned around at the sound of Rie's voice, and my eyes widened in surprise.

"Rie, is that a yukata?"

"Yup. How do I look?"

Rie is wearing a beautiful red yukata adorned with purple flowers.

Her hair, usually in a side ponytail, is intricately braided and adorned with a blue flower hairpin.

"You look great. The yukata and your hairstyle are really cute."

"...Yeah, thank you."

Rie blushed a little and looked away. I never expected her to show up in a yukata.

However, her yukata seems vaguely familiar, as if I've seen it before. Why is that?

"Sei-san should be here any minute."

"I see- hmm…?"

Wait a minute. If Rie showed up in a yukata, does that mean Sei-chan is also…?

"Rie, Tsukasa, sorry to keep you waiting. Am I a bit late?"

Before I could prepare myself, Sei-chan's voice called out from beside me. Nervously, I turned to look and saw-

"This is my first time wearing a yukata, but it's better than I expected. Thanks for inviting me, Rie."

"No problem, Sei-chan. I really wanted to wear yukatas together. It suits you so well!"

"Thank you, Rie. You look great, too."

Sei-chan is wearing a black yukata with white and gray floral patterns, giving off a chic, calm vibe.

Her hair is braided similarly to Rie's, adorned with a cute red flower hairpin.

Seeing Sei-chan in a yukata was such a shock that it felt like my heart might explode.

"Tsukasa? What's wrong?"

Sei-chan looked up at me with concern, and her glance always made my heart skip a beat, but today was on another level.

I have no words to express how beautiful she looks.

I could only manage one phrase.

"I'm so glad to be alive...!"

I clasped my hands together and expressed my gratitude to the goddess in front of me.

I must have been born just to see this moment.

"Onii-chan, Sei-san isn't a goddess, you know."

"Eh, is he praying to me?"

"...Ha, you're just too beautiful. I really thought you were a goddess."

"What are you saying...?"

Sei-chan gave me an exasperated look, but she's so stunning that I can't see her as anything but divine.

I couldn't look directly at her anymore. Her beauty is too overwhelming.

"Too cute, too beautiful, too…perfect. I can't handle it. It's too much..."

"Onii-chan is broken."

"Is he really going to be okay?"

"Sei-san, just say something to him, and he'll be back to normal."

"Tsukasa, are you okay? Can you still go to the festival?"

"Who are you calling a goddess!?"

I inadvertently called Sei-chan a goddess, earning a mild scolding from her.

But in reality, Sei-chan is a goddess to me.

"Onii-chan, let's cut the jokes."

"I'm not joking. Sei-chan is so divine I can't even look at her directly."

"Q-Quit saying these embarrassing things…"

Sei-chan blushed with embarrassment, and it struck my heart harder than usual.

I feel like I might just die from sheer cuteness…

"Onii-chan, go change into your yukata. Maybe you'll get used to Sei-san's yukata while you're at it."

"Eh? Me too? Where?"

"There's a shop right over there that rents out yukatas and help with dressing you. Sei-san and I got ours there."

Ah, so that's why Rie left the house early. She planned this as a surprise for me.

"It would've been nice if you came with us, but I wanted to surprise you with Sei-san in a yukata."

"You nearly gave me a heart attack."

"So, should I not have done it?"

"Rie-sama, you're a genius. Thank you."

"What are you two talking about...?"

Sei-chan sighed dumbfoundedly.

Following Rie's instructions, I headed to the yukata rental shop and got dressed.

I picked a simple black yukata, similar to Sei-chan's.

It's surprisingly affordable, comfortable, and perfect for the summer festival.

I slipped on the geta sandals, and now I truly felt like I was ready for the festival.

It was quick. I rejoined Rie and Sei-chan in about 10 minutes.

"Sorry to keep you two waiting."

"That was quick. It looks good on you."

"Thanks, Rie."

After being complimented by Rie, I turned to Sei-chan.

I'm still not used to seeing her in a yukata, but I wanted to keep looking at her, even if it made my heart race.

Sei-chan's face turned red, and she seemed hesitant to speak.

"What's wrong, Sei-chan?"

"...Uh, well, it suits you very well. Your yukata."

She said, looking away and speaking softly.

"Eh? Ah, thank you."

Sei-chan's genuine, bashful tone made me feel a bit shy as well.

"...Are you two forgetting that I'm here?"

Rie asked, giving us a slightly exasperated look.

"N-No, of course not, Rie."

"Yeah, no way I would forget about my little sister."

"Well, I understand that you're a couple and have your moments, but remember that I'm here today, too."

Rie, looking slightly pouty, took Sei-chan's right arm and hugged it.

"I've been looking forward to this festival and spending time with you, Sei-san. So, don't forget about me."

"...Rie. Hehe, I'm looking forward to it as well. I really am."

The two of them laughed together, looking like sisters.

Rie seems to have taken quite a liking to Sei-chan.

"Alright, let's go! There's so much I want to eat and play with."

"Yeah, let's."

Standing on Sei-chan's left, we made our way to the festival grounds.

"By the way, Rie, are you planning to walk while clinging to Sei-chan the whole time?"

"You two would forget about me otherwise."

 "Sei-chan, is it difficult to walk like that?"

"It's fine. Shiho clings to me like this all the time."

"...Is that so? Dammit, Rie! I want to walk while holding onto Sei-chan, too!"

"Hey, Tsukasa, what are you saying all of a sudden…?"

"But onii-chan, won't you freeze up if Sei-san clings to you in her yukata."

"...Yeah, probably. Actually, I would freeze up even if she wasn't wearing a yukata."

"See? So, I'll hold onto her for you."

"No, your logic is definitely flawed."

"Both of you, please don't have weird conversations with me in the middle..."

We continued our banter as we walked.


When we arrived at the venue, it was bustling with people and stalls. The place is lively and filled with laughter and chatter.

Meeting up here would have been tough, so waiting near the yukata shop was a good idea.

With stalls lined up on either side, we walked through the venue.

"There's still some time before the fireworks start. What should we buy first?"

"I have a few things I absolutely want to buy and eat."

Rie declared, still holding onto Sei-chan.

It's hard not to feel a bit envious seeing Rie cling to Sei-chan like that.

"Like what?"

"Chocolate bananas. You can only get them at summer festivals, so I definitely want one."

"There are other things you can only get at summer festivals, right?"

"That might be true, but chocolate bananas are first."

"I see. You just really like them, right?"

"...Yeah, that's true. Is that childish?"

Rie looked a bit embarrassed, but Sei-chan smiled and shook her head.

"No, I like chocolate bananas too. They are like a sweet treat you can only enjoy at festivals."

"Really? I've loved them since I was a kid. I would go to festivals just to eat them."

"Hehe, you like them that much? Alright, let's go get some."

"Yes, let's!"

The two of them walked on, chatting happily.

They really do seem like sisters, with Sei-chan acting like the older one.

"Sei-chan, you like sweets too, right? You always get those really sweet, almost dessert-like drinks at Moonbucks."

"Really? That's a bit surprising."

"Is it?"

"Yeah, you seem like the type who doesn't eat a lot of sweets or particularly enjoy them."

"I get what you mean, Rie. But seeing Sei-chan enjoying a parfait is really cute."

"Onii-chan, what are you talking about out of nowhere?"

"Yeah, Tsukasa. Please stop saying these things…"

"And Sei-san, can you please not get this embarrassed over such a conversation?"

"Seeing Sei-chan blush in a yukata is so cute, I can't even look at her...!"

"Onii-chan, I'm not here to be your comedic foil. I won't be correcting you anymore."

Rie's gaze was growing colder towards me alone. Why?

We continued chatting as we moved, eventually reaching a stall selling chocolate bananas.

They have the usual chocolate-covered ones, as well as pink and white chocolate versions.

"Which one are you getting?"

"All of them, of course."


I never realized Rie was this obsessed with chocolate bananas.

There were four colors, so Rie bought four, while Sei-chan and I each bought one.

"Mmm, chocolate bananas are definitely the most delicious."


"Rie, are you sure you won't drop any of those, holding four at once?"

"Don't worry, it's impossible for me to drop a chocolate banana."

"You sound way too confident. What's with this love for chocolate bananas?"

Rie's grip, with the bananas nestled between her fingers, gave off a weirdly professional vibe.

"Hehe, now I know an unexpected side of you, Rie."

Sei-chan said, smiling as she enjoyed her chocolate banana.

After a bit more walking, we came across a shooting gallery.

While arcades have shooting games, this cork shooting setup is something that gives off the most festive vibe.

"Do we want to try that, Rie, Sei-chan?"

"Sure, let's make it a competition. Let's see who can knock down the most prizes."

With two guns available, Rie and I went first.

"Hmph, I'm pretty good at shooting games, so this should be a piece of cake."

"I've played those games too, you know."

"...I see. I'm not much for arcades, and this is my first time trying a shooting gallery, so it seems tough."

Oh, it's rare for Sei-chan to lack confidence.

But knowing her, she's likely better than us at these things, even without experience.

Alright, the guns are loaded with six cork bullets each.

The aim is to knock down as many targets as possible, so going for the small candy boxes seems like the best strategy.

I took aim and fired.


"...Me too."

We both shot at almost the same time, and both missed our targets.

It seemed Rie had the same idea as me, aiming for the small candy boxes.

No worries, we still have five shots left. Plenty of chances to redeem ourselves.


"...I didn't hit anything either."

We had both gone through all six shots without hitting a single target, failing to win any prizes.

"Is it really that difficult?"

It is challenging, but I think it's more that Rie and I are just really bad at it.

I can't believe we didn't hit even one target…

Now that I think about it, I've never actually beaten any of those shooting games in arcades, either.

"Onii-chan, it seems like we share the same blood."

"Indeed, my little sister. Both of us scoring zero prizes is quite the feat."

"...This is awkward, but may I give it a try?"

Rie and I stepped back, and Sei-chan took the gun and aimed.

"That stuffed animal looks cute."

She set her sights on a palm-sized plushie.

Hmm, it seemed Sei-chan didn't understand the strategy here.

Despite being small, plushies are usually too heavy to move with a cork bullet.

The best targets are the small candy boxes.

"Sei-chan, the easiest to knock down are the small candy boxes-"

"Got it. Hm? Sorry, did you say something?"

Sei-chan asked, holding up the plushie she had just knocked down with her first shot.

"...No, it's nothing."

I sighed, retreating quietly. It's Sei-chan, after all. Of course, she would succeed effortlessly.

Sei-chan went on to win three stuffed animals, solidifying her victory with ease.

"Sei-san, you're really good at this. Are you sure this is your first time?"

"Yes, it's my first time. I think I did quite well for a beginner."

"You did exceptionally well even if it wasn't your first time."

"It's because she's Sei-chan. She's naturally gifted at everything."

"Why are you the one bragging, onii-chan?"

"Because it makes me happy too when Sei-chan gets praised."

Despite being a novice, Sei-chan's performance was awe-inspiring.

She managed to win three nearly identical plushies. Did she want them that badly?

"Here. These are for you two."

"Wait, these are the ones you won, right?"

"Yes, I won three so we could each have one."

Sei-chan smiled, handing the plushies to Rie and me.

"Thank you, Sei-san!"

"Thank you, Sei-chan."

Each of us received a different colored bear plushie, personalized with unique patterns.

Sei-chan had clearly intended to win one for each of us.

"This is my first gift from Sei-chan. I'm going to treasure it forever…!"

"Y-You don't have to go that far…"

"I'll just put it on my desk."

"Well, I'm going to do that as well."

Having something identical to the three of us made me feel even closer to them.

Placing it on my desk would remind me of Sei-chan all the time.

…Then again, I already think about her constantly.

Rie is also holding her plushie carefully as if it were a precious treasure.

After that, we continued exploring the festival stalls, enjoying various activities and games.

We tried our luck at a lottery booth, but none of us won any big prizes, only getting the consolation prize of chewing gum.

Even Sei-chan, with her exceptional abilities, didn't have much luck when it came to this game.

I wondered what the odds were of winning something good since I never managed to.

Next, we attempted the water balloon yo-yo fishing game.

This time, we did better than at the shooting gallery.

Rie and I each managed to catch one, but Sei-chan, as expected, outdid us by catching five.

"Darn, the string broke. If I had gotten the hang of it sooner, I could have caught more."

"You're amazing, Sei-chan. Your skills are just too overwhelming when luck isn't involved."

"Is this game even supposed to let you catch that many?"

Sei-chan could've probably caught all of the floating balloons.

We continued enjoying the festival, buying classic foods like shaved ice, takoyaki, yakisoba, and candy apples.

We had them packed in transparent containers to enjoy later while watching the fireworks.

"It's almost time for the fireworks to start. We should find a spot soon, or we might not get a good view."

"Alright, let's move."

"Wait, I need to go to the bathroom first."

"Sure, go ahead. Rie, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Can I go get another chocolate banana while you're gone?"

"You're getting another one?"

I understand that chocolate bananas are tasty, but I didn't realize she liked them that much.

"Yes, each stall has a slightly different taste."

"I-I see. I don't really get it, but okay."

"Rie, are you sure you can eat that much? We did buy quite a lot of food."

"Don't worry, I have a separate stomach just for chocolate bananas."

"Not sure if that makes sense."

It's like that saying about having a separate stomach for sweets.

"I'll be quick. You go ahead to the restroom, onii-chan."

"Got it."

Rie headed off to get her chocolate banana while Sei-chan and I made our way to the restrooms.

After finishing up, we met back at the agreed spot, but Rie was nowhere to be seen…

"She's taking a while."

"Yeah, she might have gotten lost."

We waited a few more minutes, but there was still no sign of Rie.

It shouldn't have taken this long just to buy a chocolate banana and come back.

I tried calling her on my phone, but she didn't answer.

"Why isn't she picking up?"

"Maybe her hands are full of chocolate bananas."

"That…actually makes sense."

She did mention having a separate stomach for chocolate bananas.

Maybe she bought so many that her hands were full, making it difficult to answer the phone.

"What should we do, Tsukasa? Should we keep waiting here?"

"...No, let's go look for her. I'm starting to get worried."

"Right, let's split up."

"Sure, we can call each other if we need to. Unlike Rie, our hands won't be full of chocolate bananas."

"Hmph, same to you."

We split up to search for Rie.

I decided to check the area around the chocolate banana stalls first.

The crowd was thick, making it hard to spot anyone, but we had to try.

As I wove through the throng of people, a sense of unease settled over me…

Something about this felt familiar, as if I had experienced it before. But with my memory of the original manga fading, I couldn't place it exactly.

I didn't think there was any real danger, but the uncertainty gnawed at me.

I hope my worries are just misplaced.

[TL: Oof, I've been pretty busy with work lately, sorry, but here's the first part so that you know I'm still working on this.]


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