Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Too Many Losing Heroines! V7 Prologue & Chapter 1 & Intermission

Translator: Pingas
Editor: Suu

 The kouhai losing heroine, Riko Shiratama, enters the scene!

"...Prez, you're so mature."

Riko Shiratama, a new first-year student at Tsuwabuki High School.

Konuki-sensei introduced her to us, and she's an adorably cute junior.

But we were completely fooled by her delicate appearance.

We thought she was an angel sent to save our club from the brink of dissolution, but she turned out to be a colossal troublemaker who is currently suspended for causing various problems.

What will become of the Literature Club as it gets entangled in the <Operation Riko Shiratama's Revenge>,  a mission to infiltrate a wedding venue?

Stay tuned for the seventh act of this jam-packed rom-com, where the kouhai losing heroine takes the spotlight and stirs up a storm!




The gymnasium of Tsuwabuki High School.

I stood on stage, exposed to the gazes of hundreds.

Yes, it's time for the club introductions during the new student orientation.

Flanked by Yanami and Komari, I nervously gulped in front of the microphone stand.

"Uh, well, the Literature Club reads books, and we also write things…"

The first-year students, seated cross-legged on the floor, listened intently to my explanation.

One could interpret their silence as a lack of response, but Tsuwabuki students are known for being serious and refined. There's no need to worry about the lack of reaction.

And now, it's Komari's turn. I glanced at her as she nervously fidgeted with her fingers next to me.

Despite her appearances, Komari, the vice president of the Literature Club, has experienced a lot and grown considerably.

Komari gave a slight nod- and then she hid behind my back.

She hasn't grown at all.

"Hey, it's your turn to speak."

"...I-I'll leave it to you."

She murmured, clutching my jacket and trembling slightly.

Well, this is within expectations. I cleared my throat and continued.

"Uh, we also submit works to <Let's Become a Literary Master!> and create our own club magazine."

Round 2 in the bag.

Now, it's time for the Literature Club's secret weapon, the girl we wished we could keep a secret forever- Anna Yanami.

Yanami nervously pulled a piece of paper from her pocket and began reading slowly.

"Yakisoba-pan: 5 stars. I recommend it because it's packed with yakisoba. Ogura Sandwich: 5 stars. It's cheap and filled with lots of beans, so I recommend it a lot. Fresh Cream Bread-" [TL: Yakisoba-pan is basically like a hot dog but with yakisoba instead of sausage, and ogura toast is just usual toast but with azuki red beans as jam.]

…What is she talking about?

"Hold on, Yanami-san, what are you reading?"


Yanami blinked in confusion and frantically started searching her pockets.

"Sorry, I grabbed the wrong thing! Nukumizu-kun, where's the script!?"

"Why would I know? Hey, stop littering."

Candy wrappers are falling from Yanami's pocket one after another.

Apparently, Yanami is more nervous than she lets on in situations like this.

I hastily gathered the trash- and then I felt an ominous presence and looked up.

A suspicious figure is at the stage wings.

A girl in a track uniform with a paper bag over her head is staring at us (?) from the sidelines. What on Earth are you doing, Yakishio?

Yakishio bent her knees slightly, getting into a crouching start position.

Eh, hold up, is she just going to dash out like that?

There are no holes in the paper bag, so she probably can't see, and she's not even facing the right way. This is just a disaster waiting to happen.

"Yakishio, wait-"

Yakishio burst forth as if my words were a starting signal.

She probably intended to stop at the microphone and introduce the Literature Club.

However, with zero visibility, Yakishio smashed right into us, sending us all tumbling across the stage.

Screams echoed through the gymnasium.

As I lay sprawled on the stage, the microphone stand fell towards me.

I reached out and grabbed the mic, straining to get my words out.

"We do stuff in the club room on the first floor of the west building after school! You're all welcome to check us out!"

The gymnasium fell silent as the high-pitched feedback from the mic subsided.

I see how it is. This year's freshmen are- quite refined indeed.

Chapter 1: Kazuhiko Nukumizu, Class 2-C

A week has passed since the nightmare of the first-year students' orientation.

All classes for the day are over, and now it's just a matter of waiting for homeroom to start.

…Well, I have to head to the club room after school.

The recruiting season for new club members is nearing its end. And yeah, it's the endgame.

"We're so screwed…"

I muttered to myself as I looked up at the now-familiar ceiling.

Currently, the Literature Club has had zero visitors. And today is the last day of the club activity trial period.

"What's wrong? You don't look very happy."

"The club recruitment isn't going well."

The one who spoke to me is Mitsuki Ayano. He has a complicated history with Yakishio, but in the end, nothing happened because he's pretty dense.

"Well, the orientation incident became quite the topic of conversation."

Standing next to Ayano is a petite, cute-looking guy, Hiroto Sakurai, the student council treasurer.

Both of them are now my classmates after moving up to the second year.

"What do you mean by 'became a topic'…?"

"I meant it in a good way. Don't worry."

A gentle lie really hits the spot when you're feeling down. Sakurai-kun is a good guy, but it doesn't change the reality of having zero visitors.

"But we need five members to avoid getting disbanded. We have to do something."

"Didn't the club only have four members at one point last year?"

Ayano asked curiously, and Sakurai-kun answered on my behalf.

"If there's even one first-year, the club gets a grace period. It would be a shame if someone joined and the club got disbanded because of low numbers."

Still, the fact remains that the Literature Club needs new members to avoid disbandment.

In this dire situation, some of the blame has to fall on those girls as well-

I glanced to the other side of the classroom, where Yanami and Komari were.

Yanami is practically draped over the seated Komari like a human scarf, chatting happily with our classmate Karen Himeimiya.

Komari, sandwiched between them, doesn't look particularly happy. However, her once furious anger has started to settle down since the beginning of the new term.

I've heard that you need to acclimate goldfish to their water, and it seems Komari is finally getting used to the environment.

-And then, Yakishio and I ended up in different classes.

Even though I don't talk to her much in the classroom, I can't deny that something is missing.

At the end of our first year, we had a 100-meter race to decide who would quit the club.

I'm not sure how much I'm able to understand Yakishio's feelings, but after that day, I could tell the hesitation in her eyes had vanished.

As I was absentmindedly listening to Ayano and the others' conversation over my head, the classroom door opened.

It's our Class 2-C homeroom teacher, Konami Amanatsu, who is also in charge of Tsuwabuki High School's social studies. Honestly, I'm getting a bit tired of seeing her.

Stepping onto the podium, Amanatsu-sensei clapped her hands together.

"Hey, everyone, sit down quickly. Let's get this over with~"

The class, already used to her by now, slowly made their way back to their seats.

However, for some reason, Amanatsu-sensei didn't start lecturing us with an irritated expression. She's in a good mood lately.

After writing the announcements on the blackboard, she turned back to the teacher's desk.

"There's been a lot going on recently. I've been super busy both personally and professionally."

She paused dramatically, then looked around at us with a sly grin.

"Well, it seems I'm still very popular. I've been getting…a lot of attention. There's only one of me, though, so I'm quite in demand. What should I do?"

Unable to contain her joy, Amanatsu-sensei slapped the teacher's desk a couple of times.

It seems like she's in her popular phase from the fragmented bits of info we have gathered recently.

"Even though I didn't ask for it, I've been getting tons of 'likes'. But I'm not that easy, okay? Don't get the wrong idea-"

…Isn't that a dating app or something?

Is she okay? Can she even handle it, Konami Amanatsu?

Uncertain whether she noticed our worried glances, Amanatsu-sensei kept smiling as she slapped the attendance book onto the desk.

"Alright, that's it for today! Be careful on your way home!"


The clubroom after school is enveloped in a languid atmosphere.

Komari stared emptily at the bookshelf while Yanami endlessly watched videos of butter melting on her phone.

The anxiety from the lack of new club members has come full circle, leaving us in a state of resigned ennui.

…This won't do. Tightening my expression, I stood up from my chair.

"Everyone, let's get fired up. I believe today we'll have someone come to check out the club."

At my words, Yanami looked up with a sigh.

"You say that, but today's the last day of the trial period, right? We've had zero people so far, so there's no way someone will come today."

"No, it's actually the opposite. Today is our last chance."


Komari gave me a skeptical look.

"Students who are interested in the Literature Club are definitely shy introverts, right? For new students like that, it's only natural they would hesitate to visit after seeing that orientation."

Saying it out loud made my heart ache. The memories of that day still haunt my dreams.

"However, if they are truly serious about joining, they will muster up the courage to come on the last day. We can't miss that opportunity."

"They can join whenever they want even if they missed the trial period, right? Why would they come specifically on the last day?"

Oh dear, Yanami really doesn't understand.

Komari and I exchanged glances and shrugged our shoulders in resignation.

"Listen, for shy introverts like Komari and me, missing the official trial period means we would never dare set foot in the clubroom again. The whole world feels like hostile territory to us."

"The world isn't that harsh..."

Really? Shit's tough whenever I'm watching you, Yanami.

"N-Nukumizu, should w-we bring 'that' out…?"

"Good idea. Now's the perfect time for that."

I pulled down the cardboard box from the top of the bookshelf and took out the hidden box inside.

"Okamedo's Kame Monaka! These are super delicious!" [TL: A kind of sweet made from red bean paste sandwiched between thin, crisp wafers.]

"Yeah, the senpais left them for us to use for recruitment. Don't eat them. They are for visitors."

"...Wait. Why were these monaka hidden up there in the first place?"

Do I really need to explain? I don't think so.

I silently handed the box to Komari. She looked at it with a troubled expression.

"T-These are expired."

What? Then we can't serve these to visitors. Yanami snatched the box from Komari as I despaired.

"Yanami-san, those are expired."

"Nukumizu-kun, do you still believe in expiration dates?"

…There she goes, spouting nonsense again.

"Is this even about whether I believe in expiration dates or not?"

"This says 'Best Tasted Before', right? That means the expiration date doesn't matter so long as it tastes good."

Yanami bit into the Kame Monaka with a triumphant look.

"Yup, it's delicious. Here, everyone, have some."

Resistance is futile at this point. As the three of us ate the monaka, the iconic theme music from a historic shark movie began playing from my phone.

This ringtone belongs to the Literature Club advisor, Sayo Konuki.

I looked at my phone, and the notification read, <Please come to the infirmary, Prez♡>

…I would rather not.

"W-What's wrong?"

Komari peeked over at my phone as I pondered how to ignore it.

"Konuki-sensei is calling me. Uh, I'm kind of busy. Could you go instead?"

"...Ueh? N-No way."

Yeah, I don't want to either. Yanami tilted her head as she opened the fourth monaka.

"Could it be a notice about the club being disbanded?"

"Huh!?" (x2)

Komari and I jumped up. Yanami sipped her tea and sighed contentedly.

"Our club's screwed if we don't get new members, after all. Today is the last day of the official recruitment period, so it wouldn't be strange if sensei has something to say about it."

Yanami's logic made sense for once.

Seeing Komari anxiously pacing, I gave up and slumped my shoulders.

I have to go to the infirmary. But I really don't want to…


Here's a lesson for all first-year students. It's essential to learn the etiquette for visiting the Tsuwabuki High School infirmary.

The first thing to do upon entering is to turn on the lights and open the curtains.

Fire is dangerous, so please extinguish any candles and turn off the moody ambient lighting. It's also advisable to check for hidden cameras while doing so.

Have a third party present when talking to Konuki-sensei, or if that's not possible, sit near the exit and place a table or other obstacles between you.

Only then can you finally face sensei with some peace of mind-

"Here, have some herbal tea before it gets cold."

With a wary glance, I sat down, and Konuki-sensei placed a teacup in front of me.

"Ah, thank you. So, what did you need me for?"

"Ara, am I not allowed to call you unless I have a reason?"

"Uh, well, I'm quite busy, after all."

I took a sip of the tea.

"Still so cold, huh? Did you drink the herbal tea properly? Have you ever been told you're very resistant to medication?"

"...You didn't put anything in this tea, right?"

Konuki-sensei silently smiled at me. Alright, I'm heading out.

As I stood up, she pointed her long index finger at me.

"-Let's talk about the recruitment of new members."

Finally, it's here. I slowly sat back down and steadied my breathing.

Seeing my serious demeanor, Konuki-sensei spoke softly.

"Well, that's…"

Just as I was struggling to find the right words, she said something unexpected.

"If you're okay with it, I would like to introduce a potential member."

Wait, a potential member!?

The news was so perfect that I jumped up.

"That would be great! As long as they join, anyone is welcome!"

"Really? Hearing that makes me feel a lot better."

"...Sorry, can I think about it for a moment?"

Maybe this isn't such a perfect scenario after all.

While we can't afford to be picky, making hasty decisions is dangerous.

"Uh, why are you recommending this person for the Literature Club? Based on what you said, sensei, it doesn't sound like they're particularly interested in our club."

"That student is having a hard time fitting in with the class. Ideally, I would like to take care of them myself, but there are...certain circumstances."


Konuki-sensei closed her half-opened mouth, hesitating before continuing.

"She's a friend's younger sister, and I've known her for a while. That friend is also a high school teacher, so she can't give her special treatment. I would appreciate it if you guys could look after her."

…That's the situation.

As a school nurse, it's natural for Konuki-sensei to want to support a student with issues.

However, since they are acquaintances, things could get complicated, and it might even lead to rumors that would be detrimental to the student.

But we're talking about Konuki-sensei's friend. Friends, huh…?

"Sensei, does that mean...perhaps...?"

"Don't worry. I don't have any male friends. Would you like to know why?"

"Nope, thank you very much."

According to the information she provided, this friend of hers is a fellow university graduate.

She often hangs out with Konuki-sensei and Amanatsu-sensei despite being their kouhai.

The potential new member is her younger sister, a first-year student named Riko Shiratama.

Apparently, this girl has been isolated in her class since she enrolled, and Konuki-sensei wants to introduce her to the Literature Club because she's worried about her.

"Are you sure? Our club members aren't exactly...conventional."

"Ara, I trust all of you, you know? Plus, she has something in common with you, Nukumizu-kun."

With me? Konuki-sensei took her cup and inhaled the tea's aroma.

"Riko-chan is quite a siscon. Recently, she's been causing some trouble because of it."

"I'm not a siscon, though."

Konuki-sensei brushed off my remark with a smile.

"I've heard that your sister is very fond of you. I think you might be able to understand Riko-chan's feelings."

"...Well, if it's about my little sister, I guess I understand a bit."

I don't really get it, but I suppose there are many reasons why little sisters cling to their older brothers. Probably.

"Alright. I'll meet her in the club room tomorrow then."

As I accepted the note with her contact information, Konuki-sensei slowly shook her head.

"She's currently suspended, so she's not coming to school. Could you go and meet her directly?"

"...Can I reconsider?"

I tried to hand the note back.

Konuki-sensei gently took my hand in hers and firmly shook her head.


The following day after school, Yanami and I rode our bikes for about 20 minutes from Tsuwabuki High School to the food court at AEON South Toyohashi, also known as Minami JAS. [TL: AEON, formerly known as JUSCO, is one of the biggest department stores in Japan and Asia.]

We came here, opposite of Toyohashi Station, to meet Shiratama-san, who is currently suspended. And, for the record, Komari bailed on us.

Yanami, with her elbow on the table, looked up from her phone.

"Hey, Nukumizu-kun, what does the 'JAS' in Minami JAS stand for?"

"This place was called JUSCO before we were old enough to remember. It's a remnant of that name."

"Oh, it's like how my grandma calls ApiTA 'UNY', huh?" [TL: The UNY Group runs supermarkets and malls across the Chubu and Kanto regions, and ApiTA is one of the brands under the company that focuses on luxury goods.]

"What's that?"

"I don't know, but apparently it was a thing."

It must be from the 20th century or the Showa era, some bygone times.

We continued our idle chatter while scanning our surroundings.

Many students are loitering in the food court in the evening, but none of them are from Tsuwabuki.

"Shiratama-chan is coming in her uniform, right? I wonder what she's like."

"Well, she's a first-year who got suspended right after enrolling. She's probably a fighter."

Yanami crossed her arms and nodded as if she had hit the nail on the head.

"Yeah, she's definitely a delinquent. The type to swing around chains."

"Do those even exist in this day and age?"

This is starting to get scary. If push comes to shove, I need to be ready to get my ass out of here alone…

Just as I mentally reviewed my escape routes-

Beep beep beep beep beep.

An electronic chime suddenly blared.

"Wait here for a bit, Nukumizu-kun!"

Yanami stood up, clutching a white pager.

Eh, when did she place an order?

With a triumphant look, she returned carrying two trays, placing one in front of me.

The white, steaming bowl is a Japanese-style tonkotsu soup. It's Sugakiya ramen.

Yanami sat back down and skillfully used the unique ramen fork- a combination of a fork and spoon, to slurp her noodles.

"Uh, why did you get ramen for me too?"

"Nukumizu-kun, it's a crime to sit in a food court without ordering anything. Besides, Konuki-sensei gave us money and told us to have some tea together."

"Sensei said tea, right? This is ramen."

"Well, it's a soup, so it's close enough."

It might be tea to Yanami, but to me, it's ramen.

Reluctantly, I picked up my chopsticks, and Yanami tapped me on the shoulder.

"Isn't that her? She's wearing a Tsuwabuki uniform."

She said this and then slurped up her noodles.

Following her gaze, I saw a petite Tsuwabuki girl looking around nervously just outside the food court.

She's about the same height as Yanami but has a slender frame and thin legs. Her hair, slightly longer than shoulder-length, is smooth and straight, making her look like a doll from afar.

Isn't she cute? No, she's really cute.

Could this girl really be the troublemaker who got suspended…?

She tried to navigate through the crowd of students from other schools leaving the food court, but she was getting pushed away, moving farther from us.

"...Nukumizu-kun, is she going to be alright?"

Clearly not, as she is drifting away with an unrelated group of students. She's most likely not okay.

Eventually, Yanami took her hand and brought her over. She plopped into a chair, her eyes spinning. This girl definitely wouldn't survive in Tokyo.

"Uh, are you alright?"

"Y-Yes. Sorry to make you come all this way."

Shiratama-san bowed her head.

"I'm Riko Shiratama from Class 1-E."

"I'm Nukumizu, the club president, and this is-"

"Yanami-senpai, right? Thank you for earlier."

Shiratama-san bowed again. Yanami gave a thumbs-up while chewing on some menma. [TL: Fermented bamboo shoots.]

...I subtly observed our guest.

She's a fluffy, girly girl, and up close, she's undeniably cute.

Sure, there are pretty girls around, but her aura of needing protection is unmatched.

What could this harmless-looking girl have done? I must protect her.

"Uh, I heard from Konuki-sensei..."

"Ah, yes, she told me to spend some time in the Literature Club."

She said this while looking up at me with puppy-dog eyes.

"I don't really know much about novels and such. Will I be a bother?"

"Don't worry about that-"

"Well, it might be a bit tough at first. I struggled too, but it's all about getting used to it."

Yanami suddenly turned on her senpai mode, twirling her ramen fork with a smug look.

Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep.

The electronic chime sounded again. Yanami stood up, holding the pager aloft.

"Alright, it's dessert time- I mean, let's start the welcome party for Shiratama-chan!"


"The riverbank's Dame's Rocket flowers are gorgeous this time of the year."

"Huh, really? That sounds lovely."

"Yes, please come with everyone next time."

As Shiratama finished the last bite of her anmitsu, she put her hands together and softly said, "Thanks for the food." [TL: Agar jelly mixed with fruit slices and red bean paste before adding sweet black syrup.]

I watched her and organized my thoughts about what she had shared.

-Her hobby is sewing, which she started because of her sister, and she loves sweets. She doesn't like crowds, so her current hobby is taking early morning walks when it's quiet.

From all of this, the main thing I've realized is that Shiratama-san is incredibly cute.

As I noted this down mentally, Shiratama-san looked up at me with her big, watery eyes.

"Sorry, I've been talking about myself the whole time. You're probably bored, right?"

"No, not at all. Actually, it's a relief that you're so talkative."

"Maybe it's because you're so easy to talk to, Prez."

She stuck out her tongue playfully. Cunning, yet cute at the same time.

"…Nukumizu-kun, your cream zenzai is melting." [TL: Sweet red bean soup with mochi.]

I almost forgot about this woman. She has finished her second bowl of ramen.

She chugged the glass of water and placed it on the tray with a clink.

"Shiratama-chan, are you sure you don't want to finish with some ramen? There's also gomoku rice." [TL: Rice cooked in Japanese stocks and mixed with 5 types of vegetables.]

"No, I'm fine. Besides, I should be heading home soon. I need to be there for the regular phone check-in from the teacher."

...Right, she's still suspended.

Shiratama-san stood up with her tray, bowed politely, and headed towards the dish return station.

She’s trying to return her tray to the wrong store’s return station and is getting flustered as she gets corrected…

I slowly spoke up once she disappeared.

"I was a bit worried, but she turned out to be a good girl. Don’t you think so too, Yanami-san?"

Yanami, who had been staring intently at the bottom of her bowl, shot me a sharp look.

"…Didn't you spend this whole time talking to Shiratama-chan?"

"We're here to meet her, right? You should be nicer to her as well, Yanami-san."

"Hmph, so Nukumizu-kun, you like that type of girl, huh?"

Yanami pointed her ramen fork at me with an annoyed look.

"Eh, what do you mean by that?"

"Exactly what it sounds like. Ugh, men just like young girls, don’t they?"

…Really, now? A second-year getting jealous of a first-year's youth? Petty.

I placed the bowl of cream zenzai in front of Yanami.

"I haven’t touched this yet. Do you want it?"


Yanami nodded curtly.

I read in a book recently that when bringing in a new dog, you need to pay extra attention to your old dog. This situation seems similar.

As troublesome as that is, I drank the last of the water from my glass.


When Yanami and I stepped outside of Minami JAS, it was already starting to get dark.

"Look, I just think it’s not great to act all lovey-dovey just because a cute first-year girl joined."

"I wasn’t acting lovey-dovey. Yanami-san, aren’t you being a bit harsh on Shiratama-san?"

Two large ramen bowls, cream zenzai, plus my unfinished ramen. That’s a lot of calories, yet Yanami’s mood hasn’t improved at all.

Yanami glanced at her watch and quickened her pace, leaving me behind.

"But that girl is suspended, right? There must be more to it."

"I’m sure it’s just a misunderstanding. Look, there’s no way someone as quiet and cute as her would do anything bad."

"What does cuteness have to do with it?"

Yanami glared at me.

…Oof, I need to be considerate of the old puppy. I cleared my throat and tried to reset the conversation.

"Uh, it’s not about her specifically. Yanami-san, I would still believe in you even if you got suspended."

"I wouldn't get suspended, though!?"

Really? I often worry that you might do something reckless one day.

Just then, as we headed towards the bike parking, Yanami suddenly tugged on my jacket.

"Nukumizu-kun, isn't that Shiratama-chan in that car…?"


I followed Yanami's gaze to see the passenger door of a parked car swinging open.

Shiratama-san stepped out of the car, appearing to be arguing with someone in the driver's seat.

It seemed like something had gone wrong. She quickly walked away from the car, and a man in a suit got out of the driver's seat. There's something vaguely familiar about him.

"Isn't that Tanaka-sensei?"

"Huh? The Japanese literature teacher?"

I stared at the man in the suit. The sloped shoulders and slightly worn-out demeanor- yep, it's definitely Tanaka-sensei.

He often takes an interest in the Literature Club and even gives us flyers for literary events.

But why did Shiratama-san get out of Tanaka-sensei’s car?

Tanaka-sensei followed her, but she seemed to reject him. He reluctantly walked back to his car.

As Tanaka-sensei's car left the parking lot, Yanami, who had been silent until now, spoke up.

"Why were those two together?"

"Uh, maybe he's her homeroom teacher or something..."

"Tanaka-sensei's the homeroom teacher for Class 2-F, though."

Tanaka-sensei is known for being earnest and caring about his students. His classes are also well-regarded for being easy to understand.

But seeing him in what looked like a quarrel with Shiratama-san was quite shocking.

"...I think we saw something we shouldn't have."

Yanami murmured softly.

I tried to find words to deny it but ended up with a conflicted smile.


Two days after witnessing the spat between Shiratama-san and Tanaka-sensei.

After school, I walked down the old building's hallway, trying to avoid being seen.

After making sure no one was watching, I slipped into the dark space under the stairs.

"...Right on time, Nukumizu-san."

Waiting for me is a female student, Teiara Basori, the vice president of the student council from Class 2-F. It's been a while since we last met after getting into different classes.

She scanned the surroundings carefully and then stepped further into the shadows.

"Sorry for asking you to do something weird."

"It's fine. You always help me with my studies."

Not that it's really "always", but pointing that out would be petty.

Teiara-san handed me a few sheets of report paper.

"Here is the investigation report you requested. Please handle it with care."

The title on the cover read <Investigation Report of Yuuji Tanaka, a Tsuwabuki High School Teacher>.

I nodded and accepted it, slowly opening the cover.

Tanaka-sensei is a Japanese language teacher in his third year at Tsuwabuki. He has been teaching our class since last year. He appears to be a bit older than Amanatsu-sensei and Konuki-sensei.

"Hmm, so he was a teacher at Mikoshi High School before coming here."

"Yes, he seemed to have a good reputation there too. No bad reviews from our class either."

I had asked Teiara-san for information because I was curious about the incident with Shiratama-san, but maybe I was overthinking it.

Even so, the scene that day didn't look like a casual encounter between a teacher and a student…

My hands paused as I flipped through the report.

"...Tanaka-sensei was the advisor for the Literature Club?"

"Yes, up until partway through the year before we enrolled."

Now that I think about it, Tamaki-senpai mentioned that there were "various issues" regarding the lack of an advisor…

Teiara-san took a step closer before whispering to me.

"…This is just a rumor, but there were allegations of some inappropriate interactions with a female student."

Huh? That serious-looking teacher?

It was hard to believe, but the recent incident with Shiratama-san made it difficult to dismiss the idea.

"Is Tanaka-sensei really that popular?"

"I'm not sure. But there is a phase when girls admire young male teachers."

"Really? Did you have such a phase, Basori-san-"

"I did not."

Teiara-san cut me off decisively.

"Teachers with a gentle demeanor tend to have secret admirers. Of course, this doesn't apply to me."

I see. I always thought lively and cheerful teachers were the ones who got attention, but I guess even someone who seems a bit worn down by life can have their admirers. Preferences truly vary from person to person.

But wait. If the rumor about Tanaka-sensei having issues with a female student is true, it might explain why he stepped down as the Literature Club advisor. Could it also be related to Shiratama-san's suspension?

Teiara-san stared at my face as I pondered about it.

"...Eh? What's wrong, Basori-san?"

"Nukumizu-san, did something happen between you and Tanaka-sensei?"

"Nothing on my end-"

I can't exactly mention Shiratama-san's situation.

"I just got curious about him, that's all."


For some reason, Teiara-san flinched at my seemingly innocent explanation.

"W-Well, I consider myself quite understanding, but…"


Teiara-san started to fidget, drawing a "の" on the floor with her foot.

"But even if it's between the same gender, I can't condone any inappropriate relationships between a teacher and a student..."

"...What are you talking about?"

"Nukumizu-san, aren't you going for Tanaka-sensei?"

"No, I'm not!"

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone! Depending on the time and situation, I won't interfere either-"

"That kind of situation is never going to happen!"

Shit, I definitely picked the wrong person to talk to. I need to clear this up somehow.

"Look, I was thinking maybe we could switch the Literature Club advisor. Tanaka-sensei seemed like a potential candidate."

"Is there an issue with Konuki-sensei-"

Teiara-san's eyebrows furrowed as she pondered.

"...I see. I understand your feelings."

She understood, even though it was a lie. But my sentiment isn't entirely false either.

"Sorry for the misunderstanding. Since you consulted me instead of Sakurai-kun, I assumed..."

"Well, Sakurai-kun has a position in the student council. If something serious came up, he wouldn't be able to keep it quiet."

"...I'm also a student council member, you know."

Really? Right, I think that was the case.

I layered on another lie as I tried to escape Teiara-san's accusatory gaze.

"Well, Teiara-san, I thought you would be good at keeping secrets since…you're in Class F…"

"Well, I am pretty tight-lipped-"

Teiara-san, who had been deep in thought, suddenly smiled as if in a good mood.

"Alright. Feel free to consult with me anytime in the future."

"Eh, you sure?"

Teiara-san stepped out from the dimness behind the stairs.

"You said there might be something serious, right?"

Yeah, I did say that. I nodded earnestly.

As she turned, her skirt fluttering, Teiara-san put a finger to her lips.

"Sharing a secret like this isn't so bad, is it?"



I headed straight to the clubroom after my secret meeting with Teiara-san. Yanami and Komari gave me a displeased look the moment I opened the door.

"You're late, Nukumizu-kun."

"W-Where have you been off to?"

"Sorry, I had something to take care of."

I sat down and was about to take out the investigation report from my bag when I hesitated.

...Should I really show this to them?

Yanami placed a notebook on the table as I pondered.

"What's this?"

"We looked into Riko Shiratama. We went to Class 1-F and asked around."

"Wait, Komari too?"

Komari nodded with a smug look.

"I-I memorized Class 1-F's schedule."

Not exactly useful information…

I reached for the notebook, but then Yanami quickly pressed it down.

"...Am I not allowed to see it?"

"This notebook contains the true nature of Shiratama-chan. Can you handle the truth, Nukumizu-kun, after you are all smitten with her?"

"G-Go die."

"Ah, yeah. I probably can."

I've seen girls much worse, after all.

But if Yanami is making such a big deal out of it, there must be some dark revelations inside.

Steeling myself, I opened the notebook. Let's see, first are the impressions of Shiratama-san from the boys in her class-

<She talked to me.> <She picked up my eraser for me.> <She smells nice, like shampoo.>

...Seems like the boys have darker issues.

I pulled myself together and continued reading.

<She probably has a crush on me.> <No, it's me.> <She picked up my eraser for me, though.>

<She picked mine up 3 times, bro.>

…Yeah, I guess that's how it is. Feeling a bit let down, I looked up.

"Shiratama-san seems like a nice person. She picks up erasers, after all."

"Yeah, but isn't she picking them up too often!? It's only April, you know? Do they really fall that much?"

"Surprisingly, they do. And usually, no one bothers to pick them up."

Komari nodded earnestly. The dark reality of dropping erasers runs deep.

"So basically, Shiratama-san is like an eraser-picking fairy."

"Wait, read the reviews from the girls too! Don’t say I didn't warn you, okay?"

There's more? I turned my attention back to the notebook.

<She's cute.> <Like a doll.> <Smells nice.> <I want to teach her a lesson in another sense.>

…Okay, slightly worrying, but it seems like the girls also think well of her.

Maybe Yanami is just jealous of her youth. Shiratama-san does seem like a good person. Let’s see the next part…

<Flirting with boys.> <Too cozy with guys.>

…Hold up, why is the tone shifting? I turned the page.

<Getting spoiled by the boys.> <Got dumped by her boyfriend.> <How is that relevant?>

<My boyfriend asked me to introduce him to her.> <Is he really your BF?> <She picked up my eraser for me too.>

First-year girls are ruthless with their comments. And she's still picking up erasers here, too.

I read through the notebook once more carefully before closing it.

"...Maybe Shiratama-san is just popular, and people are getting jealous because of that?"

"I'm somewhat popular too, you know!?"

Yeah, we aren't talking about you, Yanami.

Komari chimed in cautiously after carefully flipping through the pages.

"B-But she doesn't seem like a b-bad girl…"

"Don't be fooled, Komari-chan! He always says it's nothing serious, and before you know it, he's head over heels for her. It's disgraceful!"

The personal grudge is becoming more evident, and the conversation's starting to steer off course as well.

"Yanami-san, our goal is to get her to join the club, right? And considering she's been suspended, it's clear she has some issues."

"That's true, but..."

Yanami's momentum slowed. Alright, time to press the advantage.

"Konuki-sensei entrusted her to us, issues and all. This is our chance to repay the favors we've received-"

..Repay Konuki-sensei? That sounds a bit disingenuous coming from me.

I hesitated, and Yanami nodded with a complicated expression.

"Well, it's hard to argue with that. Konuki-sensei has helped us a lot."

"Eh, Yanami-san, you really feel that way?"

"You think I'm an ungrateful person!?"

Yeah, kinda.

The not-so-grateful Komari and I exchanged surprised glances, and then Yanami stood up and tore off last month's page from the wall calendar that had been hanging for a while.

"Alright, let's just keep an eye on things for now."

Tomorrow, April 16th, marks Shiratama-san’s return to school after her suspension-


A sweet aroma greeted me as I opened the door to my house.

"Welcome home, onii-sama!"

My little sister Kaju ran up to me excitedly.

I glanced past her into the kitchen.

"Are you making sweet red bean paste?"

"Bingo! Your prize is a lifetime supply of Kaju!"

"Ohh, that’s quite a lavish prize."

I brushed off Kaju's joke and peeked into the pot on the stove.

Inside is a mixture of red bean paste and small white dumplings.

"Huh, are you making zenzai? But you're using dango instead of mochi?"

"Yes, these are shiratama dango. Please try some."

She handed me a small bowl with a dollop of simmered red bean paste and a single round shiratama dango.

Looking at the zenzai with shiratama dango, I couldn't help but think of our meeting at Minami JAS.

…What is the relationship between Shiratama-san and Tanaka-sensei?

As I absentmindedly picked up the wooden spoon, Kaju spoke up with a serious expression.

"Be careful, onii-sama. Dango can easily get stuck in your throat."

"Don't worry. I'll be fine."

I said lightly, about to take a bite when Kaju grabbed my hand.


"-Shiratama dango has a smooth surface and goes down easily, which increases the risk of choking."

Still holding my hand, Kaju scooped up a shiratama dango with the spoon and fed it to me.

The red bean paste is much less sweet than I expected- in fact, it has a stronger salty taste that spread across my tongue.

"...It's best to chew shiratama dango thoroughly and grind it down to the very pieces. That's the recommended way to eat it."

The salty taste in my mouth and the close-up yet fake smile from Kaju made me uneasy.

"...Onii-sama, please be careful, okay?"

I nodded silently and slowly chewed the shiratama dango.


The next day after school.

Yanami and Komari are fidgeting restlessly in the club room.

"Nukumizu-kun, Shiratama-chan is really coming, right?'

"Yeah, don’t worry. Konuki-sensei confirmed it."

Shiratama-san is finally coming to visit our club after her suspension has been lifted.

Komari is so nervous that she keeps standing up and sitting down repeatedly.

"Komari, calm down. You’re going to be a senpai too. Stay composed."


Komari stood frozen, eyes wide, as Yanami nodded.

"That’s right. Komari-chan, why don’t you practice being a senpai with Nukumizu-kun?"

What’s this about? Still, I'm curious to see how Komari envisioned a senpai.

"Okay, I’ll be the practice dummy. Komari, go ahead and act like a senpai."

"U-Uh, what should I do?"

Yanami crossed her arms confidently.

"Just tell Nukumizu-kun what you want him to do. Have him massage your shoulders or go buy juice."

"...Yanami-san, don’t make Shiratama-san do stuff like that, okay?"

"T-Then, Nukumizu…"

Komari looked down at me and continued.

"P-Pat…my head."

…Huh? The unexpected request brought a hush over the room.

"Wait, Komari, you’re supposed to be the senpai. It doesn’t make sense for the senpai to be pampered."

"B-But you told me to a-ask what I wanted…"


Yanami's face got pretty serious for some reason.

Uh, I don’t quite get it, but does this mean Komari is playing the role of a senpai who asks for pampering from her kouhai? That’s a pretty sophisticated hobby…

As I pondered this, I noticed the clubroom door was slightly ajar.

"...Hey, what's going on in here?"

"Long time no see, Remon-chan!"

"It's been a while, Yana-chan! I heard there’s a new member coming today?"

Yakishio entered the room in her practice clothes and plopped down next to Yanami.

"Are you done with practice already?"

"Yeah, the coach told me to take it easy because I’ve been overworking myself. They caught me running all morning."

Holding the shaker with the opposite hand from Yanami is a result of her learning experience.

"Things are going well, huh?"

"Yeah, you better look forward to it."

She shook the protein shaker with a confident smile, like a sunflower after a rainstorm.

Her bright smile made me realize that I no longer needed to worry about her. She is already far beyond where I could reach.

Yet, I still feel a tinge of loneliness. It must be because of my own selfishness-

As I watched the cheerful conversation among the three girls, the door slowly opened again.

"Uh, is this the Literature Club room…?"

Timidly peeking in is Riko Shiratama.

Looking anxious, she smiled in relief when our eyes met.

"Are you Tama-chan? Come on in!"

Encouraged by Yakishio, Shiratama-san entered shyly, her head bowed.

She seemed overwhelmed by our gazes and stayed silent for a moment before bowing deeply.


"Uhh, I’m Riko Shiratama, a first-year. I’ll be a provisional member for now. Thank you for having me…"

Intermission: Beware of Unfamilar Faces

During a lunch break at Tsuwabuki High School.

A few girls are engrossed in conversation in 1-F's classroom.

For a while, their chatter revolved around dramas and studies, but gradually, the topic shifted to a certain subject.

The subject of their discussion is a classmate currently under suspension.

One girl with fox-like eyes glanced at the empty seat and spoke up.

"Getting suspended right after starting school is intense. What do you have to do for that to happen?"

Another girl picked up the thread of conversation.

"They say it was about a relationship with a guy. There's even a rumor that the guy was a teacher."

"Seriously? A teacher? Aren't they all old uncles?"

The girls laughed, their voices mingling in a murmur of amusement.

A boy called out from a distance.

"Hey, isn't it because you girls bullied her?"

"Girls are scary."

"Ha? Like you guys are the ones to talk. She's just using all of you for fun, you know?"

The boys' unabashed laughter was met with mock irritation from the girls.

Then, in a brief lull in the conversation-

"-So, what kind of person is Shiratama-san really?"

The sudden question froze time for a moment.

The one who asked is a petite girl with long black hair neatly braided.

The gathered girls exchanged glances.

"...Come to think of it, I’ve never actually talked to her."

"Right, she's always surrounded by boys."

"The boys probably know more about her, don’t they?"

Riko Shiratama. Shortly after enrolling, she found herself surrounded by boys, and before anyone realized it, she was gone.

The classmates, engrossed in their gossip, know nothing about the real her.

One of the girls who had been talking about Shiratama looked around curiously.

"...Hey, who was that cute girl just now?"

"Eh, I thought she was your friend, Kei-chan?"

"I don’t know her. Is she Shiratama-san’s friend?"

The unfamiliar girl has already vanished.

The fox-eyed girl, confused as if she had just woken from a dream, murmured quietly.

"...Does Shiratama-san even have any female friends?"

-The petite girl, undoing her braided hair, walked quickly down the hallway.

Despite her striking appearance, she moved through the students unobtrusively.

As she glided out of the school building, her lengthy hair, now loose, swayed with a flourish.

Without stopping, she headed towards the school gate, mumbling softly to herself.

"...That girl, she's a bit too stimulating for onii-sama."


[TL & Editor: fuck it we're doing it] 


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