Sunday, July 26, 2015

Overlord correction of name in book reprint

The publisher changed one of the names in the reprint of volume 6 recently.

Ivileye will now be referred to as Evileye.
Character sheet of Raven (Kingdom noble) was released in Volume 9.
He is actually known as Reaven.


  1. This might be rude, but who is this person and when did he/she/it appear?

    I see 2 of her level says Vampire Princess and Socerer

    And under her name seem to say "Our Chibi-chan" (by Gagaran)?

    1. she is member of Blue Rose an adamantium level adventurer group, appeared on volume 5

  2. If you're reading the currently translated chapters you should know. She's part of Blue Rose.

    1. Not gonna lie, I only remember they were tall muscle woman (i.e. Dragon's Crown Amazon) and another woman with a mask :v and I failed to notice her mask here for unknown reason.

      Although her info here explains Climb's impression of her voice.

    2. that's her, the woman with mask is Evileye

  3. Evileye is best vampire.

  4. I have a question about Tsuare/Toile 's name. On the Wiki they use Toile (with an accent over the E) and of course the original Japanese text translates here name directly in romanji as you used it in your Vol5 Ch3 translation, Tsuare. I was wondering if there has ever been an official translation (as there is no character sheet at least in the first 1-8 volumes for her) that has her name.

    - Kat

    1. In the original Japanese version of the LN series, the author has only ever called her as (ツアレ Tsuare). Toile was a name that one of the Wiki users created for her to make it appear more French. The name Toile is not official so we decided to stick with what was written in the LN.

    2. That's what I thought, as I tried looking around to see if there was something I missed. I think I may edit the wiki later to Tsuare as it doesn't make sense to me for people to just guess at a translation. I do appreciate all the hard work you guys do into translating Overlord. I would offer to help, but while I'm half Chinese, I cannot read/speak any of the dialects and while I can understand Japanese almost fluently (good 80-90% of what is spoken) I cannot read any kanji (well, almost any, hiragana and katakana are easy though).

      How many volumes have been translated to Chinese so far? (Asking as that is what is used here.)

      - Kat

    3. Hahaha, one of the Admin's on the Overlord Wikia, didn't mind that it was changed from Toile to Tsuare... kind of.... Instead they then changed to to Tsare (well they did Tsareninya) and then locked the page so that no one could edit anything on Tsuare's page....

      - Kat

    4. Hmm, that Admin must have not liked me calling him/her out in the comments since the page was locked. I only wrote:

      The only reason to name her Tsare is because of it's just another arbitrary decision decided by an Admin. In the original Japanese LN, it is written as ツアレ which is read Tsuare (Tsu A Re as each character is). For it to be Tsare, the A (ア) would have to be a chiisai/small a (ァ), such as this: ツァレ

      After writing that, the Admin, a half hour later seems to have reverted their decision (though the page is still locked, so no further updates can still be made when new light on the character could be added) and reverted the page to a previous state (thus also deleting the post I placed calling them out).

      - Kat

    5. Given some of the other characters name being 'direct' at times, I think her name might be "Swear"?

      Both at her cursing her own unfortunate fate and 'swearing' loyalty at Sebas (whose full name, Sebas Tion, is obviously based on Sebastian, the steoreotypical butler name)

  5. thought so, wenn i read the name XD

  6. I knew it was pronounced that way! ^_^ Ayvil Ay just doesn't sound right considering that the other characters' aliases/codenames were "Badass-sounding". Evil eye. Anyway, I can't believe the speed in which the LN is being translated. I am impressed and very grateful to Skythewood's staff. I look forward to the next updates on Overlord with much excitement. More power to you guys! ^_^

  7. Anyone know what happened to the intermission that should be in between chapters 2-3?

    - Kat

    1. Never mind that. Didn't recall that you had it as "Interlude" at the end of chapter two. Sorry about that.

      - Kat
